Gregory Leps's daughter Inga on how to build an acting career in New York

The daughter of the famous Russian singer Inga Leps lives in New York, acts in independent films and writes scripts. In New York, she says, it is easier for an actress to make her way than in Moscow. In an interview with Forum, she talks in the first person about how to play an android, how to properly prepare for...

Alexander Rodnyansky about the release of "Leviathan" in America and the benefits of pirates

Although the Russian “Leviathan” did not receive an American Oscar, the film was released in wide release in the United States. Forum asked the film's producer, Alexander Rodnyansky, who is still in Los Angeles, why the statuette was not given to him. He also told how much Leviathan earned in America, and explained that he was not very offended by...

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