Christians in the USA Spend Millions of Dollars on the Fake Dead Sea Scrolls

After the management of the Washington Bible Museum claimed that a third of the Dead Sea Scrolls they acquired were fake, many American Christians said they also bought expensive fake scrolls, writes CNN. Stephen Ortiz, professor of archeology at Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary in ...

As celebrated Christmas in different parts of the world. VIDEO.

Millions of Christians around the world celebrate one of the main Christian holidays - Christmas. The main Christmas service traditionally takes place in Bethlehem, where, according to legend, Jesus Christ was born. On Christmas Day, the Pope called on the whole world to return to simple values. About it…

US Christians Consider Obama Anti-Israeli President

One of the largest conference rooms in the Washington DC Convention Center hosted a conference of the Christian Friends of Israel (CUFI). The meeting decided to oppose US President Obama in the conclusion of the Iranian deal. The conference was attended by XNUMX pro-Israel Christians. It's about counteraction ...

The number of atheists is increasing in the USA

The number of non-religious Americans has increased in recent years, reaching 56 million, according to a Pew Research Center report released on Tuesday. In terms of its size, this social group is second only to the Evangelical Christians. Christianity is still the dominant religion in ...

By 2070, the number of Muslims and Christians in the world will be equal

By 2070, the number of Muslims and Christians in the world will equal, and by 2100, Muslims will make up the majority of the world's population, such forecasts are contained in a report by the American research center Pew. While Christianity remains the leading world religion in terms of its number ...

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