Broken contracts and a fine of $ 340 thousand: a famous football player kicked his cat, and now he has a lot of trouble

Football club West Ham United fined its defender Kurt Zouma the maximum possible amount of 250 thousand pounds ($ 340 thousand), and the British Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals took two cats from him. What happened, told the edition of the BBC. It all started...

The plane with a famous football player disappeared over the English Channel: his body was found two weeks later

The footballer Sala flew into a new life, but died. He was finally found. For two weeks, the plane with Emiliano Sala on board lay at the bottom of the English Channel. They could not find him the first time, divers had to be involved in the search, and they found the aircraft. AND…

Messi was sentenced to prison for fraud with taxes

Суд признал лидера испанской «Барселоны» Лионеля Месси виновным в неуплате налогов и приговорил к 21 месяцу тюрьмы, говорится в заявлении суда Барселоны. К аналогичному тюремному сроку по тем же трем пунктам обвинения приговорен и Хорхе Месси, отец футболиста. Решение может…

The famous football player will make his debut in the sequel to “50 Shades of Gray”

Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo may make his film debut by starring in a new film by legendary Hollywood director Martin Scorsese about the life of Christian Gray, the character in the acclaimed film “50 Shades of Grey.” The film will tell about Gray's prototype - Italian tycoon Alessandro Proto. Previously it was...

Image Ronaldo became the property of a Singaporean businessman

Singapore billionaire Peter Lim has acquired the rights to the image of Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. The signed six-year contract was announced on Monday in Singapore, the amount of the deal was not disclosed. According to the agreement, the businessman-owned company Mint Media receives all rights to the player's images except ...

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