Immortality or destruction: what can AI do with humanity when it becomes supermind

Artificial intelligence could lead to the extinction of humanity, some experts warn, including the heads of OpenAI and Google Deepmind. How machines can prevail over people and what will come of it, the BBC found out. Since launching in November 2022…

Detailed and realistic: AI wrote instructions for the destruction of humanity in a few seconds

A chatbot based on artificial intelligence ChatGPT, at the request of an inquisitive user, wrote detailed instructions for the destruction of humanity. Writes about it The ChatGPT chatbot was recently introduced by the OpenAI lab. She is engaged in the research of technologies based on artificial intelligence. And while this AI is still very...

The peak of solar activity will come earlier and last longer than previously thought: what is the threat to humanity?

The Sun will reach its current peak activity in 2024, which is a year earlier than previously expected, according to experts at NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). The publication Space told in more detail. According to the revised forecast, the peak of activity of the 25th solar cycle, called the “solar maximum”, will be...

We hate them, but they are the basis of life on Earth: what will happen if all viruses on the planet disappear

It seems that viruses only exist to bring suffering to mankind. However, if they all suddenly disappeared, our world would be completely different - and far from better. Why do we really need viruses and why without them we cannot ...

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