American stole a finger of a Chinese terracotta warrior

China demands "harsh punishment" for 24-year-old American Michael Rohana for breaking off the thumb on the left hand of an ancient terracotta statue of a Chinese warrior on display in a Philadelphia museum. The cost of the exhibit is estimated at $ 4,5 million, Fox News reports. Rohana is accused of ...

Russian schoolboy found the seal of the times of King David

Ten-year-old Russian tourist Matvey Tsuplev found a seal that had lain under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for three thousand years. “In the layers of earth removed from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during excavation work carried out in the nineties of the last century, an ancient seal was discovered...

Indians demand to give them the skeleton of an ancient man

  A long-running dispute over the identity of a skeleton estimated to be nine thousand years old has come to an end in the United States. Local indigenous Indian tribes claimed their rights to the skeleton. They call him "Ancient Ancestor Number 1", and wanted to rebury him according to customs.…

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