What are smart farms and why famous billionaires invested $ 200 million in them

The creator of Plenty smart farms, which yields 530 times higher than conventional fields, will channel funds towards global expansion. This is reported by TechCrunch. Plenty smart farms are plastic shelving, sometimes up to 6 meters high, in which greens and ...

Google has evaded taxes in $ 12 billion

In 2014 alone, Google withdrew € 10,7 billion ($ 11,9 billion) from taxation, using Dutch and Irish companies as layers, Reuters reports, citing the reporting of Google Netherlands Holdings BV. It follows from the documents that the revenue of Google Netherlands for 2014, formed mainly by royalties from the Irish division of Google, where ...

Google bought the alphabet

Alphabet Holding, better known by the name of its subsidiary Google, has acquired the domain name abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.com, which covers all 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, Business Insider reports. According to Whois data, the domain was registered in 1999, but has not been assigned to any site. In possession of ...

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