
Just filing a declaration is not enough: what needs to be done after you have reported your US taxes

Just because the 2022 tax filing season is over doesn't mean it's time to kick back and forget about taxes. There are still some things you need to do to make sure that everything is in order with the declaration you recently filed…

Deadline is approaching: what to do if you can't pay your taxes on time

April 17th is the deadline for filing and paying taxes. But not everyone can pay them on time. Fortunately, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers several payment options after this date. What to do, told the publication Yahoo!. "The IRS...

Not as low taxes as expected: Americans who moved to Florida receive huge bills

Many New Yorkers, thinking that the state will be their tax haven, move to Florida. But in reality, everything is not as colorful as they would like. The Business Insider edition told in more detail. Over the past three years, New Yorkers have accelerated their move...

How to get a transcript from the IRS so that you don't make mistakes on your return

Whether you're filing a simple or complex tax return, it's important to make sure it's thorough, and you can have free online tools in the form of IRS (Inland Revenue Service) transcripts to make the process easier. What it is…

Don't Believe the US Tax Myths: What You Need to Know Before Filing in 2023

You may have heard that many taxpayers are in for a big surprise this tax season if they expect a big refund check or close to what they received last year. But this is rather from the category of so-called tax ...

Taxes and immigration status: what you need to know in order not to make mistakes

For immigrants, the US tax system can be a pain in the ass. It's so complex that even most Americans have trouble filing their annual tax returns. As a rule, the fact that you are not a US citizen does not exempt you from tax liability. What…

Americans spend billions annually on filing tax returns, although they could do it for free: which services are better to use

The proportion of people who have taken advantage of the free tax filing program has increased in recent years. Unfortunately, the number of those not using these free services has also increased, resulting in billions of dollars in unnecessary spending, reports Syracuse. For about 20 years…

IRS asks Americans not to file tax returns yet: what is the reason

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is asking millions of taxpayers in California, Colorado and other states that granted tax breaks last year to delay filing tax returns, CBS reports. The service said it is trying to find out whether these tax credits and special refunds are considered taxable…

Four Tax Return Mistakes That Can Lead the IRS to Audit

Tax season is in full swing, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has taken a closer look at how it distributes part of the nearly $80 billion in funding approved for the agency by Congress. How not to fall under the scrutiny of the IRS and avoid an audit, the publication said ...

Four tax credits to save up to $8000

Tax filing season is fast approaching, and millions of Americans are working to get all the necessary paperwork ready on time. Every year, around this time, people begin to wonder how much their tax return can bring them. The Sun reported in more detail. From 2020…

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