Will skeptics be planted in the US?

Spring has already officially begun, but very cold. In the middle of the week, another snowfall was promised in New York, albeit a rather orphan one. And the winter was so cold that I avoided mocking the theory of global warming up: it would be like hitting a child. ...

The face of Russia in the mirror of the Crimea

The last blow by the United States to Russia, which illegally took away its peninsula from Ukraine, and donated it 60 years ago, was another portion of Russian government officials, legislators and oligarchs who would not be allowed to enter the United States and would freeze their American assets. ...

Britain's Foreign Minister called for the exclusion of a number of Russian organizations

  British Foreign Secretary William Hague called for the exclusion of Russia from a number of international organizations. In an article published on the website of The Telegraph, Haig stressed that Britain and its allies must be prepared to build a new relationship with Moscow, given the role of ...

Who has the right to self-determination in the Crimea?

In connection with the annexation of Crimea by Russia, Russian politicians and diplomats tried to present, rather awkwardly, the right of peoples to self-determination as the main argument justifying this annexation. Let's try to understand this rather complicated international law even for modern science, a question that has ...

US lawmakers and administration officials are not too concerned about the ban on entry to Russia

  American officials and lawmakers have not taken seriously the travel bans and other retaliatory measures taken by the Russian leadership shortly after President Barack Obama announced tougher sanctions against Russia in connection with ...

The eleventh son of Haman

Purim in Jerusalem Jerusalem. Residence of the Prime Minister. March 4 (Adar 14) 1977 Purim walked in Jerusalem. Walked with might and main. The city seemed to have gone mad. There are music, dancing and festive processions in the streets. Even the most adult and serious people decided to try on masquerade ...

The mystery of the missing Boeing: new details

Now we can say with certainty that all specialists, military and researchers in the field of aviation literally knocked themselves off their feet in search of the Boeing 777, which disappeared more than two weeks ago. Everyone is in conjecture what could have happened to him, but what is more frightening ...

Putin signed a decree recognizing the independence of Crimea

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree recognizing the Republic of Crimea as a sovereign and independent state in which Sevastopol has a special status, the Kremlin press service reported late on Monday evening, March 17. The decree comes into force on the day of its signing. On…

Practical Zionism Lessons: The VSO Settlement Section began working in Israeli cities on the periphery

Yuvi Tesuma immigrated from Ethiopia at the age of 5. “When I went to school, I immediately felt: my main and only task was to become an Israeli as soon as possible,” she told participants at the conference of the Settlement Department of the World Zionist Organization (WZO),...

The ghost of optimism wanders around Odessa

In the half-light of new publications in the Russian media about the impending pogroms in Ukraine, we find out the fairness of the information presented. Our interlocutor is a literature teacher, as they say, “From G-d.” Mark Grigorievich Dreerman, back in the Soviet years, gained fame in Odessa as a brilliant teacher and...

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