Chewing gum will help get rid of 100 millions of bacteria in the mouth
A new study has shown that chewing gum actually helps clean the mouth of bacteria, but only if it does not contain sugar. If sugar is still present in it, then the bacteria will become even more.
Currently, it is known that sweet chewing gum does not have a good effect on health - it contributes to the appearance of caries. But sugarless gum is another matter. Some argue that its constant consumption increases the load on the jaw, while other studies have found that it suppresses appetite and slightly improves cognitive function.
Another study found a benefit to chewing gum: it kills bacteria. “Chewing gum helps maintain oral health. Many oral diseases, including caries and periodontal disease, are caused by bacteria,” scientists say.
Researchers at the University of Groningen said that in order to remove bacteria from the mouth, you need to chew on the gum for just 10 minutes. No longer worth it, since they will return to their homes, writes
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