Residents of California on Christmas Eve were able to visit ancient Bethlehem - ForumDaily
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California residents could visit ancient Bethlehem on Christmas Eve

Walk through the streets of ancient Judea, pay tribute to the Roman guards, look into the synagogue, pat a camel on the neck and, finally, reach the very cave where Christ was born. Such a unique opportunity to “feel” the Christmas event was provided to the residents of the Bay Area (San Francisco Bay Area) from December 21 to 23 inclusive. Rise City Christian Church in Redwood recreated the image of Bethlehem in the XNUMXst century AD. Not only people, but also animals participated in the reconstruction. Everyone could visit ancient Judea, and absolutely free of charge.

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

American police and Roman legionnaires peacefully walk along the long line of Californians that stretched all over the street, and sometimes even the royal carts pass by.

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Synagogue in ancient Bethlehem. Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Entering the city, visitors first of all get to the market, where you can admire the works of local artisans, potters and blacksmiths, or simply buy fresh vegetables:

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Dances are held in the main city square and the popular Jewish song "Hava Nagila" is played.

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

The only thing that betrays these young Jews is modern sneakers. Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Evening Bethlehem. Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Sheep slowly walk through the Jewish village:

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Bethlehem geese. Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Young shepherds. Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

The uniqueness of the village lies in the fact that all animals can be stroked, which the locals willingly do:

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Perhaps, on one of these donkeys, Christ later entered Jerusalem:

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

However, Roman dominion also reminds of itself - in the middle of the village there is a barrack of Roman legionnaires:

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Camel greets Californians warmly. Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Meanwhile, next to the den, a host of angels is celebrating the birth of Christ. By the way, the role of the latter was played by a real, live baby. It seems that the baby did not expect such a celebration:

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Not only angels come to bow to him, but also wise men:

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Wealthy Romans are also in a hurry to bow to the newborn:

Photo: Ksenia Kirillova

Forum Daily wishes all our readers a Merry Christmas!

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