A woman in Michigan worked as a nurse without a license: a few years ago she was already tried for the same crime - ForumDaily
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A woman in Michigan worked as a nurse without a license: a few years ago she was already tried for the same crime

A woman accused of impersonating a registered nurse at a Grand Rapids Hospice is facing federal prosecution, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Michigan. Years ago, she was convicted of a similar crime in Texas. Writes about it Wood TV.

Photo: IStock

Leticia Gallarzo, 48, from Allegan County, Michigan, has been accused of identity theft.

She applied for a job at Grand Rapids Hospice using the name and license number of another licensed nurse.

The criminal complaint accuses Gallarzo of doing it on purpose because she used the identity of a person with the same name.

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According to the documents, she claimed to have received a master's degree in nursing from George Washington University, but in fact, she did not have any nursing degree at all.

According to the materials of the criminal case, Gallarzo appeared for a personal acquaintance at the Grand Rapids Hospice on May 15, 2023 and actively provided assistance to patients.

Court documents say that when she was fingerprinted as a job requirement on May 23, her employer learned that Gallarzo was permanently banned from providing direct patient care in nursing homes and hospices due to a previous federal conviction.

The criminal complaint alleges that Gallarzo had several convictions for similar crimes: a 2016 conviction in Kent County for using someone else's identity to get a job as a nurse from November 2014 to February 2015, a 2015 conviction in Goliad County, Texas for an unlicensed nurse in March 2015 and a federal conviction for false medical records after she posed as a registered nurse at Texas facilities from March 2015 to September 2015.

According to the criminal complaint, when the employer discovered that Gallarzo had been suspended from work, she was fired from the Grand Rapids Orphanage.

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On June 1, police found Gallarzo working as a nurse at a nursing home in the Western District of Michigan.

While executing a search warrant at Gallarzo's home, police found a copy of a Michigan nursing license for another person. The documents stated that Gallarzo worked with the man in a nursing home, but the man told police that Gallarzo had "no good reason" to have a copy of her license.

Prosecutors said that if Gallarzo is found guilty of identity theft, she could face up to 15 years in prison.

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