A woman tried to steal her mother’s children in the middle of the airport. VIDEO - ForumDaily
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A woman tried to steal her mother’s children in the middle of the airport. VIDEO

At Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta (Georgia), a woman tried to steal children from a passenger who was traveling with them to DisneyWorld in Orlando (Florida), writes about it Lenta.Ru.

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The incident was filmed by security cameras. The frame shows how an unknown woman in a crimson hat comes up to the stroller with a little girl and grabs her. The mother drove the woman away, and she grabbed the second child and ran off with him.

The people who were nearby and came to help managed to snatch the boy, and then the airport security caught up with the kidnapper and threw her to the floor. The woman’s identity was later established: 26-year-old Esther Daniels from Kansas.

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“Her behavior was very unpredictable. So far, we cannot claim that she is mentally ill, but her actions were very strange, ”said an airport security officer who detained Daniels.

Esther Daniels was examined at a local hospital, after which she was arrested and charged with abduction. A preliminary hearing on her case is scheduled for July 11.

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