A woman tried to smuggle giraffe feces into the United States to make jewelry from it - ForumDaily
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A woman tried to smuggle giraffe feces into the United States to make jewelry out of it.

Federal Customs officials at the airport in Minneapolis (Minnesota) foiled the plans of a woman who tried to bring samples of giraffe feces into the country in her luggage with the intention of creating jewelry from them. Writes about this Voice of America.

Photo: IStock

She announced that she collected these fecal samples during her trip to Kenya.

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When customs officials selected her for a baggage inspection as she exited Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport on Sept. 29, she immediately admitted to having a small box of feces in her luggage. She managed to avoid punishment because she voluntarily declared these samples and handed them over to customs officers.

The woman explained that her intention was to use giraffe feces to create a necklace similar to the one she had previously made from moose feces.

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According to the state of Minnesota, giraffe feces can only be imported into the United States with the appropriate permits and inspections. Failure to comply with this rule may lead to the spread of dangerous diseases characteristic of Kenya, such as African swine fever, Newcastle disease, foot and mouth disease and others.

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