Humiliating search: a woman was forced to undress and remove personal care products at Oklahoma Airport - ForumDaily
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A humiliating search: a woman was forced to undress and remove personal care products at Oklahoma Airport

A woman from Las Vegas, Nevada, sued the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), accusing her of being forced to strip by service officers during a search at Oklahoma Airport, writes ABC News.

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Rhonda Mengert said that she flew from Tulsa Airport to Nevada on Mother's Day (12 May) when a metal detector reacted to the implant in her thigh during a search.

Mengert agreed to be examined by a TSA agent. During the search, the agent discovered “the usual feminine hygiene product” that she wore under her clothes.

The woman said that TSA agents took her to a separate room and asked to undress and show her genitals. They demanded that she also remove the feminine hygiene product and provide it for inspection.

“I was told that I needed to lower my pants and underwear to my knees, remove the hygiene product and submit it for examination. It was terrible and humiliating,” the woman recalls.

She did not specify what means of hygiene in question.

Mengert noted that after the incident she suffers from severe emotional distress, adding that this search violated her rights.

“Due to pending litigation, we are unable to comment on the specifics of this case. TSA does not conduct strip searches and is committed to ensuring the safety of passengers while respecting the dignity of all passengers,” TSA said in a statement.

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