iPhone protection is unreliable: thieves can easily steal all your data and money - ForumDaily
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iPhone protection is not reliable: thieves can easily steal all your data and money

The iPhone passcode that helps people unlock their devices now gives thieves easy access to steal your money and data in public places. The Tribune.

Photo: IStock

Thieves watch as iPhone owners enter their passcodes and then steal their victims' phones and their digital lives.

That is, in any public place, a criminal can snoop on your password to unlock your phone screen. Then steal the device and easily unlock it in order to change the password for your account - after all, you don’t need to type the old password to do this.

A 31-year-old senior economist at a human resources startup lost all photos, contacts and notes in his iPhone 13 Pro Max, which was stolen from a bar in midtown Manhattan. And about $10 disappeared from her bank account in just 000 hours.

"With just the iPhone and its unlock password, an attacker could change the password associated with the iPhone owner's Apple ID within seconds," the report says.

This will block the victim from her account, which includes everything stored in iCloud.

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"The thief can also often rob the phone's financial apps, as the passcode can unlock access to all of the device's stored passwords," he added.

When the password change is complete, the software offers the option to force sign out of the Apple account on other Apple devices such as a Mac or iPad so that the victim cannot access those devices to regain access.

Apple software never requires the user to enter an old password before setting a new one.

With a new password, a thief can disable Find My iPhone. Disabling Find My iPhone also allows the thief to resell the iPhone.

According to an Apple spokesperson, the iPhone is the most secure consumer mobile device, and "we work tirelessly every day to protect all of our users from new and emerging threats."

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“We sympathize with users who have experienced this and take all attacks against our users, no matter how rare, very seriously,” the spokesperson said. “We will continue to improve our security controls to ensure the security of user accounts.” Almost all the victims had their iPhones stolen while they were socializing in public places, pubs and bars at night.

In all cases, iPhone owners were locked out of their Apple accounts.

“They then uncovered thousands of dollars in financial theft, including emptying bank accounts associated with phone apps and money taken from Venmo PayPal and other money sending apps,” the report elaborates.

The same vulnerability exists in Google's Android mobile operating system, but according to law enforcement officials, "iPhones' higher resale value makes them a much more common target."

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"Our login and account recovery policy attempts to strike a balance between allowing legitimate users access to their accounts in real-world scenarios and keeping malicious users out," a Google spokesperson said.

Apple recently introduced the ability to use hardware security keys, small USB keys, to secure your Apple ID.

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