Laws that will take effect in the US in 2018 year

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In 2018, the largest tax reform in the last 30 years, as well as the REAL ID ACT regulation, will take effect in the United States.
In addition, new legislation will be enacted in different states. For example, in New York and Florida, the minimum wage will increase, California will legalize marijuana, and in Illinois, pets will be equated with children and Obama's Day will be introduced.
ForumDaily compiled a list of the most important laws that will come into force in the US in 2018 year.
Federal legislation
December 22 President Donald Trump has signed the law on the largest tax reform in the United States over the past 30 years.
Basic standards:
New tax for the rich: in the final plan, the maximum tax rate for top employees is reduced. Now the highest rate is 39,6% for couples who earn $ 470 700. In the new edition this rate will be reduced to 37% and the threshold value for the maximum rate will increase.
Large-scale tax cuts for corporations up to 21%. From 1 in January to 2018, large companies can see that their tax rate has dropped from 35% to 21%, which is the largest one-time decrease in the rate of US history for large American companies. This will reduce the tax burden by about $ 1 trillion over the next 10 years. Republicans believe that this change will lead to economic growth, but experts from Wall Street believe that the effect on the economy will be "modest."
You can deduct only $ 10 thousand in state tax, city tax and property tax from its federal income taxes. This is one of the most controversial points of the plan. Until now, state and local deductions have not been limited. It is expected that this rule will adversely affect New York, Connecticut and California and lead to a fall in property prices in cities with high taxes, in addition, local governments will have less money to repair public schools and roads.
Working families will receive more tax credit for children. The current tax credit for children is $ 1000 for each child, in the new edition it is increased to $ 2000 (for families with an income of about $ 400 thousand). Lower-income families can also expect a raise. For such families today, the benefit is about $ 1100, in the new edition - $ 1400.
You can inherit up to $ 11 million without paying tax. In the current edition, Americans can inherit up to $ 5,5 million without having to pay tax. In the new edition, this threshold was doubled - to $ 11 million tax-free (or $ 22 million for married couples).
In general, the Law on Tax Reduction and Employment is the largest one-time reduction in the corporate tax rate in American history - from 35% to 21%. The bill also cuts taxes for the vast majority of Americans and small businesses.
Beginning with 22 in January 2018, the law regulating the new format of identity cards, the REAL ID Act will enter a new phase, which is why many Americans will not be able to use their driver's license as an ID.
The REAL ID Act was adopted in 2005 year as one of the steps to tighten the requirements for the identification of persons after the September 11 attacks on 2001. He puts more stringent requirements regarding the information provided for obtaining a driver's license, which is used as an ID at the state level.
The FBI recommended that the US government unify the requirements for obtaining these documents in all states in order to increase the level of control over their issuance. Now the law is partially in effect, requiring to present updated identity documents when visiting federal and military facilities.
After the entry into force of the law finally, residents of most states will need an identity card in a new format or a passport.
Parts of Americans simply need to update their driver's license so that they meet the new requirements if the state has already changed them in accordance with the REAL ID Act. In this case, you must contact your state's issuing agency to find out how to get a new driver's license if the state issues them.
However, not all states have updated their driver’s license format, so since 22 January 2018, they will lose the status of identity cards and will not be accepted by airlines for boarding even with domestic flights to the USA. There are nine such states: Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Washington State.
Residents of these states will need to issue a passport or ID card in order to be able to visit federal agencies, military institutions and fly planes through the United States.
How to apply for a new passport
Application for the manufacture of a passport can be submitted through State Department websiteas well as local office postal service. The State Department website can also familiarize with the requirements and download the necessary forms.
Department of Homeland Security prepared clarifications and answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the REAL ID Act.
REAL ID does not apply to the following areas:
- Entrance to federal facilities that do not require the presentation of an identity card;
- Voting or registering to vote;
- Applying for or receiving federal benefits;
- Getting a driver's license state;
- Access to health care services, law enforcement or constitutional agencies (including access to legal proceedings);
- Collaboration with law enforcement agencies or participation in investigations.
The law on REAL ID for flights is introduced in stages:
- From 15 in July, 2016, TSA, together with airlines and interested parties at the airport, began to issue web-based tips and notices for travelers;cN 15 December 2016, the TSA began distributing handouts at airport checkpoints, and also posted signs announcing upcoming changes.
- Starting from 22 in January 2018, passengers with a driver's license issued by states that have received a delay in the introduction of REAL ID will have to present an alternative identity card for boarding domestic flights. Passengers with driver's licenses that comply with the REAL ID will be able to use their driver's license as an identity card when boarding an aircraft.
- From October 1 2020, all passengers will need a license complying with REAL ID or other acceptable form of personal identification for domestic flights in order to board the aircraft.
A list of acceptable forms of ID cards for boarding can be found on the website. TSA.
Should minors have a driver's license to board the plane for domestic flights?
TSA does not require children under the age of 18 to provide an ID when boarding US flights if they travel with a companion. In this case, the person accompanying them will need an acceptable identity card.
Is the passport the only alternative identity card if the state has not started issuing certificates that meet the requirements of REAL ID?
Not. TSA also accepts several other forms of identity documents and will continue to do so after the entry into force of the REAL ID. A list of acceptable forms of ID cards for boarding can be found on the website. TSA. Beginning with 22 in January 2018, travelers who do not have an acceptable identity card will not be allowed to board the aircraft.
How will the entry into force of REAL ID affect the issuance of driver’s licenses and maps of city residents to immigrants or illegal immigrants who now have the opportunity to receive them in some states?
Such temporary identity cards will continue to be issued, but they will have a special design, indicating that they cannot be used for official purposes, and are nothing more than a document entitling to drive a car or use the services of the city.
New rules for the use and registration of passports
В 2018, the Americans are waiting for some changes in the system of use and issuance of passports.
Online Passport Update
Starting in the middle of 2018, Americans will have the opportunity to order a new passport for themselves (in case of re-receipt, renewal) online. To this end, the passport service at the State Department is developing a special portal.
Text messages with application status
If you want to check how long your passport will be in the process of registration or renewal, now you need to go to the State Department website and “pull out” your application data from there - a time-consuming and difficult process if you are on the road or using a mobile device . (You can also call the passport service center to check the status, but this line is often overloaded and will have to wait for a long time). In 2018, this will change: information on updating the status of the application will be sent to the applicant in sms or by e-mail.
It may take longer to produce or extend a passport.
It is expected that in January, 2018, a large number of Americans will apply for or extend a passport, which will significantly increase the workload and slow down the work of the passport service.
Processing your application for a passport usually takes 4-6 weeks, so if you submit an application in December-January, expect that the processing of your application will take six weeks, not four.

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State legislation
New York
From January 1, a law will come into force in New York committing employers to provide paid parental leave for parents of newborn babies.
It is also possible to use the right to paid leave to care for a close relative with a serious illness or to help a loved one during the stay of a family member in the army.
In 2018, employees will receive up to eight weeks of paid vacation, while retaining up to 50% (up to 652 dollars per week) salary. By the year of 2021, they can take up to 12 weeks of vacation, while retaining two-thirds of their average weekly wages.
Employees themselves will pay for the right to paid vacation - 1,65 dollars per week will be deducted from their salaries.
Full-time employees will be eligible for this leave after 26 weeks of continuous service. Part-time employees will be able to go on paid leave after 175 days of work during the 52-week period.
Minimal salary
New York's minimum wage will continue to rise as part of a plan to reach $15 an hour. In Long Island and Westchester County, the minimum wage will increase to $1 per hour on January 2018, 11, from $10. In New York City, the minimum wage for employers with up to 10 employees will increase to $12 from $10,5; and for employers with 11 or more employees, up to $13 from $11 per hour. In the rest of the state, the minimum wage will be $10,40 an hour, down from $9,70 before.
Income tax rates
In New York, statewide tax cuts continue. The state income tax rate for taxpayers earning from 40 000 to 150 000 dollars per year (the income of the couple when they jointly fill out the declaration) will decrease from 6,45% to 5,5%. For couples with income from 150 000 to 300 000 dollars per year, the state income tax rate will be reduced from 6,65% to 6%.
Child Care Tax Credit
Families whose total income ranges from 50 000 to 150 000 dollars per year, in 2018, will be eligible for a larger tax credit for child care. The maximum loan amount will also increase to 9 000 dollars from 6 000 dollars for families with five children. The amount of the loan for each family will vary depending on the number of children.
From January 1, California, the 2018 law on the legalization of recreational marijuana will come into force.
The norms of this law in questions and answers:
Can 1 in January go to a specialty store in California and buy marijuana?
The short answer is yes, if you have already turned 21 a year, and the store has the appropriate license to sell marijuana from the state.
According to Californian officials, the state began issuing temporary licenses for the sale of marijuana to companies even before the start of the sales period, so that the law could fully enter into force on January 1.
The online application system on the Marijuana Control Bureau website will open in December, and stores will receive licenses for cannabis retailers before the New Year, with a note that these licenses will take effect from 1 in January 2018.
At the same time, you shouldn’t hope that you can buy marijuana right after midnight on January 1. According to the rules of the state, the sale of “grass” is allowed from 6: 00 to 22: 00, at this time, January 1 will be available for purchase of the first recreational marijuana in California.
In most cases, recreational marijuana can be found in pharmacies that sold medical cannabis, which was legalized in the state earlier.
Where can I get hemp?
Depending on where you live, the nearest store can be far enough away from your home, since so far only a few cities in the state have indicated their desire to develop this business.
Among them, Auckland and a number of other settlements in the Coachella Valley, have already approved the rules of sales there and can start distributing marijuana from January 1. Many other cities have postponed the settlement of this issue.
For example, the issue of opening sales of recreational marijuana is still pending in several cities in the Sacramento area, as well as in San Jose.
Kern and Shasta districts rejected the sale of recreational marijuana in their territories even before the law came into force, so there will not be any special stores there.
Where can I smoke?
Throughout the state, it is worth remembering that Californians cannot smoke marijuana in places where it is forbidden to smoke regular cigarettes.
This means that you can not smoke in offices and bars. As for tenants, it is worth clarifying this issue with the landlord.
It is also forbidden to smoke in a car, to consume marijuana in a moving vehicle, or to have an open grass bag in a car is illegal.
The law provides for the possibility of consumers buying marijuana on the territory of retailers and small stores that sell it. In this case, the business owner must allocate a separate room for people from 21, the use of alcohol or tobacco should be prohibited in this location. In addition, people who use marijuana should not be visible from the outside to other visitors to the store or people passing by.
Will all medical marijuana stores trade in recreational cannabis?
No, firstly, not every medical marijuana store will receive a license to sell recreational “grass”, as some of them operate on the basis of a state decision, but without the permission of the local government, which is permissible for the sale of medical cannabis, but for sale permission from local government is required.
In addition, stores already licensed to sell medical marijuana may refuse to sell recreational, re-qualify for recreational “grass”, or sell both types of marijuana, marking recreational marijuana with the letter A, and medical with the letter M and keeping separate records of sales of each these goods.
Can I try before buying?
Buyers will be allowed to smell the product before purchase, but it is not allowed to sell the product without the original packaging or with damaged packaging, which excludes the possibility to try the product being purchased.
Therefore, free samples in stores should not be expected.
Is there a quality control of recreational marijuana?
Yes. Since January 1, the state has introduced new “grass test” procedures.
For example, before a cannabis distributor can ship its product to retailers, the laboratory must check samples of the product for the presence of mold, pesticides or bacteria. The laboratories will also check the main cannabinoids to indicate on the packaging their share in a certain amount of marijuana.
Longer parental leave
In 2018, new parents whose employer has more than 20 employees will be able to receive up to 12 weeks parental leave. For these purposes, employees will be able to use any accumulated leave or time off for health reasons. The law will take effect on 1 on January 2018 of the year and will apply to employees who have worked for the company for the months of 12.
Seat belts in passenger buses
As of July 2018, a law in California will come into force requiring passengers and drivers to wear seatbelt on passenger buses. Anyone who violates this requirement will be forced to pay a fine of 20 dollars, with a repeated violation, the fine will increase to 50 dollars.
Ban on asking about previous salary
Starting in January 1, potential employers in California will not have the right to ask applicants for any position about what kind of salary they received in the previous workplace.
History of criminal prosecution of job seekers
Beginning with 1 in January, employers in California will not be allowed to find out the criminal history of applicants for the position until they decide to apply for a job.
Selling weapons
Beginning with 1 in January, all purchases of weapons and ammunition in California will have to be made personally through a seller licensed by the US Department of Justice. Weapon owners will also be prohibited from bringing ammunition into California from outside the state without registering through a licensed seller in California.

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Minimum wage
In 2018, the minimum wage for all employees in Florida will increase to 8,25 dollars per hour, which is 15 cents higher than the current level of 8,10 dollars. The new hourly rate will come into effect on January 1 on 2018.
From January 1, the law in Illinois will come into force, suggesting that custody of a pet in the process of divorcing a couple will be established in much the same way as custody of the children.
Judges during the divorce process will need to take into account the needs of animals and their interests, appointing sole or joint custody of the pet.
Particularly often, disputes over custody of animals occur in divorcing couples who do not have children. Now the judges must take into account many factors, determining the guardian for the animal, in addition, joint custody may be appointed.
Organ donation
A new Illinois law gives 16- and 17-year-olds the opportunity to register as organ and tissue donors while they receive their driving license or identity card.
Personal Security in the Internet Age
Bullying, harassment, cybercrime, or sending obscene messages on the Internet from January 1, 2018 will be equated in Illinois with hate crimes.
Obama's Day
August 4 is the birthday of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. Starting in 2018, Illinois, where Obama began his political career, will celebrate Obama Day on this day.
Know what you are paying for.
Women often pay more than men for dry cleaning, haircuts and other services. New state law requires beauty salons and other service providers price lists that list prices for their standard services so that customers can make informed decisions.
Rejection of elephants in circuses
African and Asian elephants from 2018 will no longer be used in circuses in Illinois.
Stickers on car windows
Since 2018, in Illinois, it is forbidden to glue any stickers to the windshield of the car, as they may limit the visibility of the road to the driver. Even if you just purchased a car, take care to remove all the stickers from the windshield before leaving the store.
Trainings for restaurant staff
The management of restaurants of the first category in Illinois from 2018 should regularly undergo training on food allergies and first aid, if available. This training should take place during the first month since taking office, and re-accreditation should be held every three years.
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