Immigration Service detains an illegal who the court allowed to remain in the US - ForumDaily
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The immigration service detained an illegal who the court allowed to remain in the US

El Salvador immigrant Roxana Orellana Santos, who successfully sued the Frederick County of Maryland in 2009, was detained by immigration and customs officers (ICE) during normal immigration registration in the presence of Baltimore officials. Reports about it FoxNews.


According to the lawyer, Santos was detained on Tuesday, January 8, along with other Maryland activists illegally residing in the US, despite a court order authorizing her to remain.

Attorney Nick Katz claims that Santos has undergone routine checks at an immigration agency since his first arrest, which occurred more than ten years ago. Katz claims that the agency refused to release Santos, despite her scheduled appearance in court next week in connection with a civil case against Frederick County.

“Roxana is away from her children. She has a case that is being considered by the Immigration Appeals Board. They can send her out of the country today before the case is considered, ”said the lawyer.

Santos was arrested in 2008, when she sat on the curb and ate her lunch. She was approached by the deputy sheriff of Frederick County and asked to show her identity card. She gave them documents from El Salvador. She was arrested on an immigration order, due to the fact that she had not appeared in court after illegally entering the country several years before. She filed a lawsuit, claiming that her civil rights were violated.

According to Roxana, she was subjected to unreasonable searches and arrests.

In 2013, the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled that deputy sheriffs violated Santos’s civil rights through illegal searches.

The US Supreme Court refused to hear the case. Her lawyer stressed that information on the planned participation of Santos in a hearing in a civil case against Frederick County was conveyed to ICE.

There was no reason to take her into custody. On Tuesday, activists staged a protest near the federal building in Baltimore. Four people were arrested for blocking the roadway.

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