Note to an immigrant: what can be obtained in the USA for free - ForumDaily
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Note to an immigrant: what can be obtained in the USA for free

America is a rich country, and the average American has quite a lot of benefits: almost everyone has some kind of housing, and most likely a house, the house has all the necessary equipment and, of course, a car. But what should a person with below average income, for example, an emigrant, do? To do this, in rich America there are many opportunities to get benefits for free, said Olga, in my blog for “Yandex Zen”Immigrant Alexandra Ukrainko.

Фото: Depositphotos

Online flea market Craigslist - a lot of free stuff

Craigslist is a very old American online classifieds board where you can buy and sell almost anything and even find a home, a job, and a life partner. All sorts of Amazons (Amazon) and eBay (eBay) have, of course, won over some of the customers from Craigslist, but if you want to find a used item quickly and close to you, Craigslist has no equal.

Free give 47-inch TV on CraigsList

One of the Craigslist sections is called free stuff. This is where America's prosperity comes into play. In this section, Americans usually post things that they exchanged for newer ones, but do not want to throw away: these include TVs, refrigerators, furniture, clothes, and everything you can imagine. Once we even saw a yacht there! Just come to the address and pick it up.

Free products

When I heard about the distribution of free products, I imagined some kind of homeless support center where a thin soup is poured from a large dirty pot into the homeless in tin cans. However, in the States such centers can be located in fairly prosperous areas and distribute quite decent products to everyone who visits, no matter who he is or how he looks.

Distributing products at the Normal Community High West school in eastern Illinois. Photo author

For example, at our elder’s school in a prosperous neighborhood of the very expensive city of Boston, free products are distributed weekly. When my husband was at university, all students from nearby family dormitories, whose children attended this school, took home huge bags of canned goods, seasonal fruits and vegetables, cereals and spaghetti, and then ate this week.

Tickets to museums and exhibitions in libraries

I have already talked about American libraries. These are not godforsaken, half-empty rooms with old, dusty volumes of classics, where grandmothers—friends of elderly library workers—come to chat about life and rising utility rates. These are bright, popular leisure centers, somewhat similar to our modern coworking spaces, only with a lot of books.

Free ticket to the museum from the library. Photo author

So, in addition to books, video discs and Internet access, in modern American libraries you can get free tickets to local museums, exhibitions and sometimes even concerts! We visited almost all the museums in Boston for free thanks to our library card and free tickets. Just book the museum you want on the website, stop by the library to pick up a ticket, and go get involved in history!

University grants

Secondary education in the States is free, and it is available to everyone without exception, even to the children of illegal immigrants who are illegally in the country. However, higher education costs a lot of money, and the more famous the university, the more money you will have to pay. However, if the future student has a bright head or makes progress in sports, you can also study at the university for free.

This is exactly how our compatriots often end up in the United States - they enroll in American universities, and then receive a grant that covers tuition, and even accommodation. Since the country is rich, there are a lot of organizations and foundations that distribute grants, and the universities themselves often sponsor the education of talented students in order to attract them to their university.

Coupons for goods and food

I once noted that although it is impossible to drop unauthorized advertisements in the mailbox in the United States, local entrepreneurs somehow magically find out who drove into the apartment and start sending personalized letters of happiness in which they put coupons for free goods or products. Of course, they are not completely free, but often they give you something for free when you purchase something else: for example, two pizzas for the price of one.

Coupons for free products on the BJ's network. Photo author

Many stores have special booklets with paper coupons for products with a big discount or free products when buying for a certain amount or certain things. So, just going for groceries for a week, you can bring home one and a half or two more for the money spent with clever use of coupons. And this is in those stores in which already the lowest prices!

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