An American woman was found chained to a tree in the Indian jungle - ForumDaily
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American woman found chained to tree in Indian jungle

A shepherd from the village of Sonurli on the evening of July 27 in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra (a state in western India) heard women screaming. He called the police, who found a woman chained to a tree in the jungle nearby, reports New Delhi Television.

Photo: Shutterstock

A 50-year-old woman was found tied to a tree with an iron chain in a forest in Maharashtra's Sindhudurg district. She had a photocopy of her US passport with her, as well as other documents, including an Aadhaar card (India's online identification service), the police spokesman said. Note.) with an address in Tamil Nadu (a state in southern India).

The victim was in distress.

“The woman was taken to a hospital in Sawantwadi (in the Konkan region of Maharashtra) and then to Oros in Sindhudurg. Considering the mental and physical condition of the victim, she was shifted to Goa Medical College for more serious treatment, a police official explained. “She’s out of danger now.” The treating doctors said she was suffering from psychiatric problems. We found her prescriptions for medications.”

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The victim was found with an Aadhaar card with an address in Tamil Nadu and a photocopy of a United States passport, which identified her as Lalita Kayi.

“The victim’s Indian visa has expired,” a police official explained. “We are checking all these documents to establish the citizenship of this woman.” The police, among other things, communicate with the Regional Aliens Registration Office.”

According to initial information received by the police, the woman had been in India for the past 10 years, the official said.

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“The woman is not able to testify. She is very weak because she has not eaten anything for several days. It also rained heavily in the area. We don't know how long she was tied to that tree. It is quite possible that the husband, who is from Tamil Nadu, tied her there and ran away,” the law enforcement officer suggested.

Police teams have gone to Tamil Nadu, Goa and other places to trace the victim's relatives, he said.

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