An ex-White House employee spoke about Biden's cognitive problems and how they are hidden
After Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance, his current and former aides began talking candidly about how the president looks and acts outside of public circles. The White House and campaign are citing a "cold" that is causing Biden's voice to sound weak and slurred at times. However, some argue that this is exactly what the president is like in everyday life, writes Daily Mail.
Former official White House photographer Chandler West wrote on Instagram: "It's time for Joe to go."
“I know a lot of these people and I know how the White House works,” West said. “They'll say he has a 'cold' or that he's just 'had a bad night,' but for weeks and months everyone has been talking about what we saw during the debate: Joe isn't as strong as he was just a couple of times ago. years ago".
Biden's campaign tried to downplay the situation and insisted that the debate failure was only a "slow start." Vice President Kamala Harris was subjected to harsh questioning.
“Is the president we saw on stage like that every day?” CNN anchor Anderson Cooper asked Harris.
“Joe Biden, who I work with every day, is a person, as I said, who is determined to have Republicans and Democrats gather in the Oval Office to make compromise decisions. Although this happens rarely, Joe Biden knows how to achieve this,” she replied, completely ignoring the essence of the question.
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West, who served in the White House from January 2021 to May 2022, said: “The debate wasn’t the first bad day, and it won’t be the last.” Journalists have complained for years about a lack of access to the president and say his aides try to minimize their time with the press.
Speculation that those closest to the president (mainly first lady Jill Biden) have been defending him since taking office has intensified after Biden's weakness and poor health were evident during his debate with Trump.
A former White House residence staffer said Jill was "very protective of the president" and her top aide Anthony Bernal "protected her, and they often wouldn't let us do anything for them."
“The division of responsibilities between the family and the White House staff was greater than it was even during the Trump era. It shouldn’t have been this way,” the former employee assured.
From the president's first months in office, residence staff felt that Biden's closest allies and his family were trying to keep everything related to his health secret.
For example, during a very hot Independence Day celebration on the South Lawn on July 4, 2021, Biden returned to the White House and the door was suddenly closed behind him to prevent butlers and other residence staff from assisting the president. Aides suggested Biden was overheating. But the staff had the feeling that those closest to them were carefully hiding everything related to the health and general condition of the 46th president.
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The poll, released June 30, found that 72% of voters don't think Biden has the cognitive ability to serve another term. That's up 7 percentage points from the same poll conducted before the debate. Former White House physician, Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), has repeatedly questioned Biden's cognitive and physical health.
He suggested that preparing for the debate over seven days at Camp David was a way to give Biden the right cocktail of drugs before facing Trump.
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