What Nostradamus Predicted for 2025 - ForumDaily
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What Nostradamus Predicted for 2025

Nostradamus, the famous seer who managed to predict major world events such as the death of the French King Henry II and the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, made countless predictions about the past, present and future. What did the great French prophet promise humanity in 2025, the publication tells History.

Photo: Joaquin Ossorio Castillo | Dreamstime.com

Of course, opinions on Nostradamus's talents vary widely to this day. A cynic might argue that his quatrains are cleverly worded in such a way that the vagueness and obscure language allow them to be interpreted in any way that suits any given situation after the fact. However, many are convinced that Michel de Notre Dame is the greatest prophet who ever walked the Earth.

Where is the truth? Well, there's only one way to find out. After combing through his words with a fine-tooth comb, we came across several possible predictions for the next year. If they turn out to be true, he really is a genius.

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End of the war in Ukraine?

In February 2022, tensions in Eastern Europe exploded when Russia invaded Ukraine. In the months and years since, hundreds of thousands have died and millions have been displaced in the continent’s worst crisis since World War II. But is there an end in sight?

"As a result of the long war, the entire army is exhausted,

so they have no money for soldiers;

instead of gold or silver they will come to leather coins,

Gallic brass and the crescent moon."

A depleted army and an even more depleted treasury could mean an end to hostilities, although how exactly that will happen remains unclear. The reference to Gallic brass hints at French involvement, while the crescent moon points to Turkey. Both countries have expressed support for Ukraine, so could perhaps play a role in resolving the conflict.

War and plague will emerge in Europe

However, not all may be smooth sailing on the European front – and this time the UK will be involved.

"When those who are from the lands of Europe

They will see England establish her throne

Behind their flanks, there will be brutal wars.

The ancient plague will be worse than enemies."

The reference to England (the concept of Britain did not exist in Nostradamus’s time) turning in on itself almost certainly points to the Brexit referendum and its ongoing aftermath. But if labour shortages and border delays were bad enough, warnings of “brutal wars” and an “ancient plague” are far more ominous.

Volcanic eruptions and floods in Brazil

Have you noticed a pattern in Nostradamus' predictions? The Oracle seemed to have a fondness for predicting doom and gloom, and he wasn't limited to just one side of the Atlantic. Many credit him with predicting the 11/XNUMX attacks, but the words below could be referring to South America.

"The Garden of Peace near the New City,

On the path of hollow mountains:

He will be captured and immersed in the Bath,

He will be forced to drink water poisoned with sulfur."

The “Garden of the World” is certainly the Amazon rainforest, while the “new city” could refer to Brazil’s mountainous capital Brasilia. While the reference to “plunging into the Bath” suggests flooding, “sulfur” suggests volcanic activity. “Mysterious rumblings” near a long-dormant volcano alerted Brazilians a couple of years ago. Could their fears be justified in 2025?

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Controversies in the English Premier League

It's nice to see that Nostradamus also found time for sporting predictions. In two separate quatrains, he mentions a rooster defeating an eagle, which football fans will recognize as a clear reference to Tottenham Hotspur (whose crest features a rooster) and Crystal Palace (whose nickname is the Eagles).

"The rooster will see the eagle, his wing is poorly finished,

"I swear by Leo, he will be driven to the extreme."

These lines suggest that Crystal Palace will be in dire financial straits because of the Premier League (symbolised here by the lion). Tottenham will then take advantage of their vulnerability by strengthening their own wing, which should mean they will snap up Eberechi Eze. The hypothesis is confirmed later by the line 'weakness of the eagle, strength will be born of the rooster'.

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