A high-voltage cable cut off the head of a 15-year-old girl who wanted to take a photo on the roof - ForumDaily
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A high-voltage cable cut off the head of a 15-year-old girl who wanted to take a photo on the roof

In Guatemala, a 15-year-old girl fell from a roof. While dancing and taking selfies with friends, she got caught in a high-voltage cable, which cut her neck, reports New York Post.

Photo: Ika Djodjiro/Dreamstime.com

On August 1, 15-year-old Deborah Rebekah Xi Artola was spotted on a rooftop in La Tinta with three friends.

The teenagers were rehearsing dance moves on the roof of a two-story building when Artola came across a high-voltage power cable. A shock of thousands of volts probably killed her instantly.

On the subject: A teenager from California was obsessed with the idea of ​​a school shooting and was planning to repeat the tragedy at Columbine.

The girl's body hung on the cable and began to smoke. The cable cut her neck. Artola's headless body fell from the roof onto the sidewalk.

Deborah Rebeca's heartbroken mother, Andrea See, shared a Facebook post with a portrait of the beaming little girl during her quinceañera in March.

“I love you forever. My princess,” one post read.

“My first and great love,” the mother wrote in another post.

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The incident is currently under investigation. Authorities are working to confirm that the horrific tragedy was an accident.

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