Above the clouds: you can now take the elevator to one of the most beautiful mountains of New York - ForumDaily
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Above the clouds: one of the most beautiful mountains in New York can now be reached by elevator

Everyone loves this time of year: the busiest tourist season is about to begin. In one corner of New York State, regulars and first-time visitors alike race to climb Whiteface Mountain on a breathtaking course with stunning views. For those who prefer other methods of climbing, there is great news - you can now get to the top by elevator!

At this time of year, the Adirondack Mountains are becoming one of the most popular regions to visit in New York, recalls Only In Your State.

Come to the small city of Wilmington, in the northern part of the state. You'll find that the fifth highest mountain in New York City offers its visitors quite a few ways to get to the top. This is a mountain road with a beautiful view, a historical staircase, and now a brand new elevator with an excellent view!

People from all over the world come here, on Whiteface Mountain, to climb the marvelous trail to the height of 5000 feet (1524 meters) and enjoy a truly stunning view.

A trip to the top by car does not take much of your time, but you will be truly delighted, rising above the clouds as you travel up this route.

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After parking at the top of the toll road, you have to decide which route to take to get to the top of Whiteface (by the way, this is one of the rare mountains that you can climb in this state in general).

There is also a historical staircase, consisting of both artificial and made from natural stone steps, not so long, but for many people this ascent may seem tedious.

There is no need to worry - this is not the only option that is offered for climbing up. After a major renovation since 2017, Whiteface Mountain will unveil its new elevator in a few days. The path will run through a tunnel that will take travelers inside the mountain - and an elevator will take them to the top.

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One of the interesting innovations is that the elevator is now equipped with glass panels, which will allow passengers to see everything around them.

Perhaps in the state of New York there is no more such an elevator that can take you to a more romantic and beautiful destination than the top of Whiteface Mountains.

Officially, the elevator will be open by the start of the June 1 season.

Address: NY-431, Wilmington, NY 12997

To learn more about Mount Whiteface, click here.

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