Elections in Israel: Netanyahu may lose his post of prime minister - ForumDaily
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Elections in Israel: Netanyahu may lose the post of prime minister

The Netanyahu party lost the parliamentary elections in Israel. US President Donald Trump, commenting on the results of these elections, said that he had not yet discussed the results of the vote with the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Writes about it "Voice of America".

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Trump called the election “tense,” adding: “We'll see what happens next.”

Netanyahu could not win the parliamentary elections. The Likud party headed by him received one mandate less than its main rival, the center-left Bloc Kakhol-Lavan.

As a result, the Israeli Prime Minister canceled his annual speech at the UN General Assembly in New York and a possible meeting with Donald Trump. In the Likud election campaign, special attention was paid to the friendly relations that developed between Trump and Netanyahu.

According to preliminary election results, not a single political force was able to obtain a majority in the Knesset sufficient to form a ruling coalition. The center-left bloc received a total of 56 seats, while the right-wing block received 55 seats. The left block includes 13 mandates received by the pro-Arab United List party, which was never previously represented in the government.

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In this situation, a lot depends on Avigdor Liberman, the head of the conservative party Our Home Is Israel, which is supported mainly by Russian-speaking Israelis. The Lieberman party won nine seats at once, almost doubling the results of past elections.

Lieberman has repeatedly said that he supports the government of national unity, which, in his opinion, means a government with the participation of Kahol-Lavan, Likud and Our Home - Israel.

“A government of national unity, a broad liberal government. We will not support any other options. From our point of view, there are no other options, ”said Lieberman.

He outlined a number of demands put forward by his party, including the establishment of the institution of secular marriage in Israel, which still does not exist in the country. Currently, the institution of marriage and divorce is fully controlled by a religious court.

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“Our Home Is Israel” also insists on introducing subjects such as mathematics and science into the school curriculum of all ultra-orthodox schools, and lifting the ban on public transportation on Saturdays. To Vyuda, Saturday (Shabbat) is considered a holy day in which you can’t work.

After the April elections, the right-wing political forces led by the Likud did not have just one seat to form a ruling coalition of 61 deputies. However, Lieberman refused to enter the government with the participation of ultra-orthodox parties, putting forward a mandatory requirement - the adoption of a bill on the military draft of ultra-orthodox yeshiva students. The discussion of this issue triggered a series of protests involving ultra-orthodox people who did not want to serve in the Israeli army.

Kahol Lavan leader Benny Gantz said he would not enter the unity government if Netanyahu remained at the head of the Likud. Several corruption-related criminal cases have been opened against the Prime Minister, and police have already recommended that three of these cases be brought against Netanyahu. A final hearing on this issue will take place in October 2019.

As soon as the final election results are announced, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin will call the leaders of all parties for consultations and ask them to give the name of the politician who will need to be assigned to form a government. This process is likely to take several weeks.

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