'Everyone Died!': US Secret Intelligence Data on Chernobyl Disaster Revealed - ForumDaily
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'Everybody died!': US secret intelligence released about Chernobyl disaster

The US National Security Archive published a report by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research on the accident at the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. As he writes Rtvi, August 15 documents released on the repository website.

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The report was sent to Secretary of State George Schultz on 2 on May 1986. The addressee of the report was the diplomat Morton Abramowitz, who in those years headed the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research. The report is marked as secret.

A document takes up a little more than one page. It says that the words of the Soviet leadership about the two victims of the accident are “absurd”. According to intelligence estimates, at least a hundred people work at the reactor during the day. Around 30 workers should be on duty on the night shift.

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Due to the fact that the third power unit is located close to the fourth, there could be about 200 people near it on the day of the accident. At night - about 70. At the time of the explosion, intelligence said, there could be about a hundred Chernobyl employees near the reactor. Presumably, all of them either died during the destruction, or received a lethal dose of radiation.

The document was published in connection with output the first part of the two-volume publication “Top Secret: Chernobyl” edited by archive analyst Svetlana Savranskaya, journalist Alla Yaroshinskaya and other researchers. The book also included reports of the CPSU Central Committee from the Chernobyl meetings, diary entries and other materials.

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The accident at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred on April 26 1986 of the year. According to reports from the Soviet leadership, one Chernobyl employee was killed in the explosion, another died several hours later. The accident is considered the largest in the history of nuclear energy. There is no official data on the number of dead and injured, according to WHO estimates, accident victims could become about four thousand people.

As ForumDaily wrote earlier:

  • In July, 2017, the creator of the series Game of Thrones, HBO, announced plans to shoot a mini-series about the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Then the start of filming was announced on 2018 year.
  • The choice of location fell on Lithuania, because there, as in many former Soviet republics, there are many buildings and locations where the spirit of that time is still preserved. Several final episodes were shot in the summer of 2018, in Kiev. This link can be found details of how the shooting took place.
  • 7 May 2019, HBO announced the launch of the television mini-series "Chernobyl" manufactured by HBO and Sky.
    The series’s screenwriter was Craig Mazin, known from the films The Hunter and the Snow Queen, Without Feelings, Charlie's Angels, and directed by Juhan Renk (The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad). He called this work the largest project in his career.
  • The scenario is based on real events that have occurred since the accident for two years after it. The creators tried to recreate as accurately as possible all the costumes and scenery of that time and constantly consulted with the former residents of Pripyat and people from Ukraine.
  • “We hope that viewers from Ukraine and Belarus will feel - we understood them correctly,” said Mazin. - Clothes, hairstyles, traditions, culture, everything is true. Thus, we show our respect. ”
  • Craig Mazin has Ukrainian roots. He says it helped him to feel the depth of the tragedy. The creator of the series says that "Chernobyl" is not accidentally coming out right now.
  • “The world should know the complete history of the Chernobyl catastrophe, which entailed such terrible consequences. The world must also know the names and faces of people who have so heroically behaved in the fight against an invisible deadly enemy, ”says Craig Mazin. “If we forget about the scary pages of history, they can happen again,” he adds.
  • As a result, the Chernobyl series on the IMDb website received an 9,6 score from 10, and took the first line in the rating of "250 TV show with the highest rating of viewers", bypassing the iconic "Game of Thrones".
  • And here the liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster talked about their view of truth and fiction in the sensational series.

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