Everything is free: the best sites where you can get goods, services and advice for free - ForumDaily
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Everything is free: the best sites to get goods, services and advice for free

By knowing where to look for these offers and free samples, you can save a significant amount of money on a wide variety of things. HuffPost.

Photo: Shutterstock

As the world becomes even more commercialized, more free stuff can be obtained through discount offers, recycling efforts, and decoy promotions. Here are several dozen sites where you can get a lot of useful information for free.


Although Craigslist has a controversial reputation, users should exercise caution and common sense when interacting with complete strangers - it is also an excellent source of free material. As the phenomenon known as freecycling becomes increasingly popular, Craigslist can be a great resource for finding such deals. Freecycling is based on the idea that many people have used items that have not yet expired, but they replace them. Instead of throwing these items away, the owners offer to pick them up for free.


freestuff.com provides access to free samples of common household items, from coffee to moisturizer. You can use this site to save on many items or try new brands for free.

Trove (formerly Yerdle)

Idea Site is that the more items you give away, the more credits you earn to buy other items on Trove without having to use cash. Although it may seem like more effort than throwing it away, you may get something in return. A service like this is a good option for items that you think are too valuable to simply give away or throw away, but that you can't sell.


Порталwhich gives you access to a variety of free offers of groceries, such as household goods, as well as coupons for various items and local restaurants. Offers are updated every day.

The freecycle network

The freecycle network consists of nearly nine million members worldwide. The network is designed to allow them to receive and give away things for free and use the goods most efficiently - keeping useful items out of landfills. The nonprofit describes itself as a “grassroots movement,” and local volunteer moderators help manage online activity to ensure safe exchanges and accurate postings. Membership is free.

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This is an online resource offering the program discounts on medicines... According to the website, a free membership card can save you up to 80% at major pharmacies.

The ReUseIt Network

The ReUseIt Network serves as a portal to give you access and information on hundreds of free bike groups around the world. The site is focused on directing you to free bike groups and resources in your area.

Free Stuff Finder

Free Stuff Finder shares offers, sweepstakes and discounts offered both online and in popular retail stores. The site shows you both the original cost of the item and the price after coupons and discounts so you can save money.


Target has sample portalwhich allows you to try the products for free. Plus, by signing up for the store's Red Card, you can save 5% on every purchase. Know what you are subscribing to before taking any action. Loyalty cards may offer perks, but usually allow track your purchases, and this is considered by some to be an invasion of privacy.


SweetFreeStuff.com offers an electronic newsletter that includes regular access to great deals online and free samples. The website also lists the sweepstakes you can sign up for online.


It is a Marketplacewhich allows you to buy discounted gift cards online to use at your favorite stores. Although discount levels vary, there are several attractive deals to be found. You have the option to sell your gift cards for cash.

The Penny Hoarder

In addition to the list 100 places with free offers On the occasion of his birthday, Penny Hoarder offers tips for saving and making money in unconventional ways.


This is another broker with a long list of birthday freebies, it's a good source for freebies throughout the year. Find coupons for everything from free food and moisturizer to free comics and codes for free rewards points.

Freaky freddie's

In addition to offering adult products, Freaky freddie's there is a long list of free children's things... Check out offers for books, T-shirts, coloring books, and activities such as rollerblading.

Totally free stuff

Site offers dozens of categories of free stuff, as well as daily updates. Search for products in categories by type of people or interests: for example, men, women, business, religion, wedding. Or by product type: for example, kitchen, pet supplies, toys, sports, and cars.

I love free things

Another broker with a varied collection of free items for children - from books to suggestions for fun activities like bowling. The site also has dozens of other categories of free items for all ages.


freeflys.com provides lists of free samples, coupons and coupon codes. You can search on a site or in a group of products sorted by category or brand.


Raise is an online marketplace that allows you to purchase gift cards for products and services at over 1000 discounted stores and restaurants. The site also gives you the opportunity to sell unwanted or unused gift items. cash cards.

Recycle the world

Another broker, dedicated to the free use of resources, which allows you to post and find free materials. If you want to get rid of unnecessary things or are looking for something specific, the site allows you to do it near your place of residence. It also provides a search tool to help you find recycling centers near you.


Coupons have gone from being a trend to a lifestyle for many people, and the number of websites dedicated to providing coupon access has skyrocketed in recent years. Coupons.comAs an industry leader with over 2000 brands, offers several ways to get coupons online. This site is handy for printing coupons, finding coupon codes and discounts for specific retailers that you can add to your credit or debit card.


Another great source free coupons to help you save on everything (from cosmetics and groceries to weight loss products and sanding sheets for your DIY projects.

The krazy coupon lady

Web site The krazy coupon lady is a great source for coupons from some of your favorite retailers, from discount stores like Walmart and Dollar Tree to high-end brands like Sephora. The site also has deals for stores like Home Depot and online retailers like Amazon.

Freebie Depot

Freebie Depot offers "hot lists" on everything from daily deals to birthday gifts on a range of products and services from a variety of brands and retailers. Among the many categories on the site, there is a section for wedding free gifts for people who are getting married or have recently done so.


Although Lifehacker Known for unconventional solutions to everyday problems, the website frequently features articles on how and where to save money, such as the best free birthday gifts in retail and restaurants.


In addition to providing access to various offers freebies.org offers tips and tricks on how to save money, as well as a complete guide to finding free things.

I crave freebies

Similar to other sources of free samples on the internet I crave freebies offers links to coupons, discounts and free product samples. It also provides links to sites that pay you to take surveys.

GetIt Free

Updated daily, GetIt Free finds free deals on everything from food to home goods. As you browse the site, you can add coupons, offers, free gifts, and giveaways to your cart just like you would when shopping online.


Project started as a print magazine over 30 years ago. As a digital resource, it continues to offer information on free products and services from major national retailers.

Women Freebies

Some of them proposals - not just for women (hello, free pizza and pet food)! But Women Freebies does have a wide variety of beauty product samples, including free makeup, hair and skin care products. The site also offers free daily drawings with amazing prizes such as Samsung smartphones, Acuvue contact lenses and Dell laptops. Writes about this RetailMeNot.

Internet Steals and Deals

The woman who runs it Website, name is Becky, and she personally takes the time to find the best free samples on the internet. The free offers on her site range from shampoo and makeup to home decor and baby products, and none of them require surveys. She also has plenty of tips on how to save money at Amazon.com and other popular retailers.


This broker automatically orders free samples for you to make getting your gifts as easy as possible. It is updated daily and offers a wide variety of free samples that you can easily browse and try out.

Sample a day

Site will connect you with direct links to companies you like and offer the best free services from skin care and makeup to Amazon Prime free trials and PlayStation games.

Sweet free stuff

In this Online Every day they introduce new free samples - from cosmetics and food to magazines and health products. Since 2002, Sweet Free Stuff has updated its site daily with freebies for its loyal visitors so they can take advantage of the hottest deals and free samples.

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My Free Product Samples

In this resource there are tons of free products, sweepstakes and great deals. It is updated frequently and keeps the content up to date. In addition, there is a dedicated page and guide to help you spot scammers who promise products but don't deliver them.


For this purpose Site There is a survey required, but it is quick and helps determine what you want to get. Shop free samples from makeup to food. Free shipping!


This broker has been in existence since 2013 and offers free baby stuff, pet supplies, beauty services, and more.

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