The doctor issued false certificates to immigrants so that they would be exempted from passing English during naturalization - ForumDaily
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The doctor gave false certificates to immigrants so that they were exempted from taking English during naturalization

July 26 jurors found 64-year-old Dr. Muhammad S. Awaisi of Pontiac, Michigan, was guilty of creating fake medical records to help immigrants obtain US citizenship through a simplified procedure.

Photo: IStock

Awaisi was found guilty of conspiracy to commit a crime against the United States and making and using forged documents.

Awaisi conspired with psychologist Firoza Van Horn to create fake medical records for immigrants who applied for US citizenship. False medical records gave applicants a medical exemption from the English proficiency test during the naturalization exam.

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Awaysi performed bogus medical examinations and misdiagnosed various illnesses to citizenship applicants. He also wrote medically unnecessary prescriptions for controlled substances, including opioids, to support his fraudulent diagnoses.

Van Horn has previously pleaded guilty to conspiring with Avaisi and is currently awaiting sentencing.

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Awaisi faces a maximum five-year prison term for conspiracy to commit a crime against the United States, up to 10 years in prison for each count of naturalization fraud, and up to five years in prison for each count of making and using forged documents.

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Sentencing is set for December 4, 2023.

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