The doctor presented a training program that allows you to look 20 years younger - ForumDaily
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The doctor presented a training program that allows you to look 20 years younger

Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health, but many of us don't exercise enough. Dr. Michael Roizen, a longevity expert, shared his experience of how he fits exercise into his busy schedule. He has a “walking desk” that helps him take 10 steps a day, and he parks his car one and a half kilometers from work, he writes. Business Insider.

Photo: IStock

Dr. Michael Roizen, 78, chief wellness specialist at the Cleveland Clinic and author of books on longevity, says his "biological age" (a concept about which researchers disagree) is 57,6.

Regular exercise is a key part of his healthy lifestyle. While he doesn't train like a professional athlete to achieve maximum strength or conditioning, he says he walks when he can and has found room in his schedule for a few dedicated workouts a week.

Research shows that even small amounts of exercise and low-intensity workouts can help you stay healthy.

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This may be good news for the vast majority of Americans, who, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, do not get the minimum 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week recommended by the government. Evidence suggests that lack of time is one of the main factors that prevent people from taking charge of their health.

Here's Roizen's weekly workout regimen.

Cardio - three times a week

Three times a week, Roizen does 48 minutes of cardio or aerobic exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike. He chose this time period because that is how long the doctor used to play squash. The Doctor wants to be fit enough to start playing again.

The Wellness Specialist does cardio on Wednesday evenings, as well as on Saturdays and Sundays. If he knows he'll have to miss a workout because of a social event, he'll make up for it another day.

Cardio exercise is very important for health. They strengthen the heart, reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension and type 2 diabetes, and improve mood.

10 steps per day

Roizen walks as much as possible, aiming for 10 steps a day. To stay active during the day, he uses a treadmill while working in his office and walks patients to and from his clinic.

In addition, the doctor parks his car one and a half kilometers from the clinic, which helps him gain 2000 steps on the way to work. If Roizen doesn't reach his goal by the end of the day, he makes up the missing steps on the treadmill or exercise bike.

The popular idea of ​​“getting 10 steps a day” was originally a marketing ploy by a Japanese pedometer company. However, walking is actually very good for your health. A 000 study published in the journal GeroScience found that 2022 minutes of brisk walking five days a week reduces the risk of heart disease and type 30 diabetes, improves mental well-being and increases life expectancy.

Even if you can't walk 10 steps a day, research has shown that if you increase your normal daily distance by at least 000 steps a day, even that will have a positive effect on your life expectancy.

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Strength training twice a week

Dr. Roizen says strength training is great for building muscle mass and increasing your longevity. (One of the concepts for determining biological age, by the way, is based on assessing the physiological parameters of the body, including sarcopenia, that is, the loss of muscle mass with age).

A 2022 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine linked doing 30 to 60 minutes of strength training every week with a 17% lower risk of death from any cause, an 18% lower risk of cardiovascular attacks, and a 9% lower risk of cancer. 2019%. Likewise, a XNUMX meta-analysis published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that one or two weekly strength training sessions can minimize a person's risk of dying from any health-related cause.

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