Eyesight-restoring drops: a medicine has been created in the USA that can replace glasses
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first drug to combat age-related hyperopia (pressbiopia) - eye drops Vuity, reports BBC.
However, a drop cannot be called a full-fledged medicine.
The drug does not eliminate the causes of visual disturbance, but only temporarily relieves its main symptom.
Most experts are already calling this therapy revolutionary, since the regular use of the drops will allow people who have begun to see poorly close up with age not to use glasses for reading or working at a computer.
The substance of the drug has long been known to doctors and has been used in the treatment of eye diseases since the XNUMXth century.
No glasses and no surgery
You have probably seen older people who read a book or look at a computer screen with a characteristic squint.
Age-related changes in visual perception are as natural an attribute of aging as gray hair or the appearance of wrinkles.
Pressbyopia - “senile vision” in Greek - is diagnosed in almost every second adult.
It is often called age-related (or even senile) hyperopia, although this is not entirely correct.
The ability to see well in the distance does not necessarily improve when close vision is lost.
Old people often poorly see both close and distant objects.
The exact cause of the mechanism of development of presbyopia has not been established (scientists have several versions that complement each other), but it is known that, on average, vision begins to deteriorate after forty years.
The lens loses its elasticity and it becomes more difficult to see anything up close.
This is especially reflected in reading and computer performance.
That is why many people after forty are prescribed glasses for the first time - to reduce discomfort.
In severe cases, the patient is encouraged to consider lens surgery.
Now Americans suffering from this disease (there are about 128 million of them, the total number of presbyopia patients in the world is estimated at 1,8 billion) are being offered a third option - symptomatic drug correction.
Eye drops, approved by the FDA under the trade name Vuity, constrict the pupil (effectively mimicking a squint) and restore the patient's ability to see well up close.
The drug does not affect vision in any way.
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As shown by the results of clinical trials, drops begin to work in 15 minutes, reach the maximum effect in about an hour, and it lasts at least six to seven hours.
Sometimes the ability to see well up close lasted even longer - up to 10 hours or more.
However, even in this case, the next day you will have to bury your eyes again.
The manufacturer notes that the drops are better for patients in the age group from 40 to 55 years old, suffering from a mild disorder.
Reported side effects included headaches and red eyes, occurring in about one in 20 participants.
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Even less often, volunteers complained of blurred images and increased tearfulness, however, the instructions for the drug indicate that it is not recommended to get behind the wheel after using the drops.
Well forgotten old?
The company that manufactures drops Vuity has already announced that the cost of one course of treatment is $ 79 (2,5 ml is enough for about a month).
In this case, the active ingredient of the drug - the plant alkaloid pilocarpine - has been known to doctors for over 100 years and is widely used in the treatment of eye diseases such as glaucoma.
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