Eight alternatives: what you can do with a Christmas tree to avoid throwing it away
After the Christmas and New Year holidays, you always have to think about where to put the festive tree. And the main thing is not just to throw it away, but to give the forest beauty a second life or put it to good use. Writes about this Money Talks News.
For years, people have been throwing away holiday trees. But in these more environmentally conscious times, many are looking for green alternatives to simply getting rid of them. So what can you do with a Christmas tree?
Instead of just throwing away the tree, recycle it and give it a new life this way: this is possible because living trees are biodegradable.
Many localities have special services that collect coniferous trees, but even if there is no such service in your area, you can contact a recycling center and deliver the spruce there yourself.
Turning your Christmas tree into firewood means it can continue to provide joy long after the holiday.
However, experts warn against burning all or parts of the tree in fireplaces and wood stoves. Trees often accumulate a dangerous chemical called creosote. Because of it, the fire will burn very strongly, and this will lead to the formation of sparks that can cause a fire.
The branches of your old Christmas tree are an excellent source of mulch, a useful blanket for the garden. Use them for this purpose and you'll save yourself a trip to the store - not to mention the money you'll have to spend on bags of mulch.
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For this, you do not even need expensive equipment. Simply split the small branches with the most suitable tool you have and distribute the pieces throughout the yard.
When the needles show off from the branches, they will help your soil retain moisture.
Once the Christmas tree has served its purpose, it is useful to fertilize the garden soil. A layer of thin pine branches is the best base for new compost.
This base will keep some air flow at the bottom and the branches will break over time. Simply trim them to fit in your compost bin and then stack them in a layer 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) high. Then add food scraps and other compostable materials periodically (as usual).
class="p1">5. Decorate paths in the garden
Don't need compost? No problem. Cut the tree trunk into disks and use them to decorate flower beds and paths, and use small branches as edging.
Adding to the visual appeal of your landscaping, your yard will smell like Christmas.
class="p1">6. Protect perennials
An old Christmas tree can save the lives of other plants in your garden.
Just lay the branches on the ground under perennials to protect them from frost.
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Pine branches cut from the Christmas tree create an excellent air mulch for young and perennial plants, because they help to adapt moderately and gradually to temperature changes, provide protection from the winter wind and the sun.
class="p1">7. Throw branches into the aquarium
Want to create a peaceful living environment for your fish? Place the branches from your old Christmas tree inside the aquarium.
In the wild, many branches end up in ponds and lakes providing protection for fish in the water. Place smaller branches in the tank to give the fish a place to hide and relax. Make sure they are completely clean before you put them in the tank.
class="p1">8. Return the tree to the seller
When none of what is offered suits you, you can return your tree to the seller. Some large green beauties farms are ready to pick them up after Christmas. Contact the retailer where you purchased your tree to find out about the services that can be provided to you.
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