In Florida, an illegal immigrant who was deported for harassing a girl returned and again committed violence.
An illegal immigrant 29-year-old from Polk County was arrested on Friday on charges of sexual assault against a 8-year-old girl.
According to the Sheriff's Office, Vilibaldo Salinas Garcia from the city of Haynes confessed to repeated attacks on the girl and threats of punishment if she told her mother.
The investigation began on August 24, when the girl told her mother that Garcia had entered her room while she was sleeping. The sheriff’s office said that Garcia “penetrated her with his fingers and made her touch him.” The girl tried to move away, but he pulled her up. Eventually, the girl ran into the bathroom and hid there until he left her room.
The police received a correspondence between Garcia and the girl’s mother. In them, Garcia said that he was drunk and did not remember what had happened, then he apologized and said that he would talk to the girl.
“She said you touched her private part, you kissed her and she couldn’t breathe and now she’s afraid of you,” the mother wrote.
“I promise it won’t happen again,” he replied.
The girl also told her mother that a similar incident occurred a year ago while she was sitting on a hammock. Then Garcia intimidated the girl so that she would not tell anything to her mother.
In Garcia’s criminal history, there are allegations of misconduct for resisting arrest, rioting and possession of marijuana.
When he was arrested, an inspection of the National Crime Information Center and the Florida Crime Information Center revealed that Garcia was in the country illegally. The police said that Garcia left the country in 2013, when he was suspected of sexually harassing another girl. Garcia’s family told the police that they didn’t see him in the district until the end of 2017, when he contacted them.
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