In Florida, an alligator crippled a man's hand when he decided to wash his hands in a pond
On December 15 at about 11 am in Sanibel, Florida, an alligator bit a man while he was washing his hands in a pond. He was seriously injured, USA Today.
The man called 911, and witnesses applied a tourniquet.
The man "suffered a serious injury to his right forearm" and Lee County Emergency Medical Services rushed him to the hospital, officials said.
On the subject: In Los Angeles, a coyote attacked a 2-year-old girl: the father had to beat off his daughter from the animal
During the day, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Service, along with a Florida hunter, tried to capture the alligator, they said.
After Hurricane Ian made landfall on Florida's barrier island on September 28, city officials warned that Sanibel Island's wildlife could pose a danger. Animals on the island include alligators, coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, pigs, armadillos, and crocodiles, with at least one black bear sighted since 2011.
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After the storm, officials restricted access to the island, with residents and approved workers being the only people allowed on the island.
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