A visit to seven billion: Nazarbayev signed a number of agreements in the USA
Photo: Akorda.kz
As part of the official visit of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev to the United States, more than 20 commercial documents on investment, trade and economic cooperation worth about seven billion dollars were signed and a joint statement on an expanded strategic partnership was adopted. This is reported by "Radio freedom«.
On Tuesday, Nazarbayev at the White House was received by US President Donald Trump. The Kazakhstani leader participated in a meeting with representatives of the US business community.
According to the Presidential Administration of Kazakhstan, the signed documents relate to the implementation of projects in the field of aviation and space research, petrochemical and agricultural industries, as well as projects in the field of infrastructure development.
During his speech to the participants of the round table, Nazarbayev, the press service reports, emphasized the strategic nature of relations between Kazakhstan and the United States and said that “America ranks second in terms of direct investment in the Kazakh economy.”
According to him, over the years of independence from American companies, more than 50 billions of dollars have been invested in Kazakhstan, and more than 500 companies have been working in the country with the participation of American capital in various fields, including energy, transport and medicine.
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