Victor Topaller: Hitting Again - ForumDaily
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Victor Topaller: again hitting

Photo: Twitter Human Rights Watch

Another collision. For all of us. There was already France, Germany, Israel, Great Britain, now they are crushing people in Spain. Who is next? A new type of terrorism - automobile... Barcelona. It is impossible to write about this. Not writing is impossible. What to do? There is a prepared cliché - just change the countries and dates. So I'm changing...

This is a piece of text that I wrote before the invasion-invasion of Europe, which is called the "refugee problem." Posted after the murder of journalists Charlie Hebdo. Then repeated after the terrorist attack in Paris. I repeated after the killings in Nice, Germany, Sweden, Israel, Great Britain ... I am not able to add anything. So, I will stubbornly taldychit again and again. What else can I do? .. Lord, how many times will I need this text ?!

... the most disgusting thing in this story is the hypocrisy of politicians and all this evil spirits who bred, nurtured, protected, protected the bastard who became more and more insolent every day.

Do not clap your ears on the cheeks and pour crocodile tears - this is your job. The blood of these innocent people is on your hands. Like the blood of hundreds of others who died at the hands of your beloved bastards. Multiculturalists, your mother ...


The beast went completely mad. Naturally, with our constant connivance. The whole world roars: “Death to the unfaithful dogs! Europe will live according to Sharia law! There will be no mercy, because we are the strongest!” That's right, guys. You are truly the strongest. Because you are violent degenerates, and we are cowardly impotents. And, naturally, in this battle between a schizophrenic and a dystrophic person, victory will be yours. Obscurantists have perfectly learned to use democracy to destroy the world with impunity by Islamic fascism. And it doesn’t matter where - at the Boston Marathon or in the editorial office of a Parisian magazine.

We let them march through our streets, yell, smash, kill, rape. Remember from Schwartz? “When they strangled his wife, he stood beside him and kept repeating:“ Well, be patient, maybe it will cost you! ” No cost.

We are not able to stop the foolishness, to stop looking for reasons justifying the murderers. Stop lying to yourself. Unable to say once and for all: terrorists are not people. They must be destroyed. Destroy. Outlaw.

We are not able to fight. For example, to adopt a law on deprivation of citizenship and deportation. Yelling that the country should live according to Sharia; go to demonstrations in support of killer fanatics; You preach hatred of Western civilization; calling for jihad - out! Mosques in which such agitation is being conducted are subject to immediate closure. For those involved in the attacks - the death penalty. Utopia, yes? ..
Socialists rushed (and rush!) With the insolent Islamists, who have contrived Europe, as with a written bag - this is their electorate. It was they who bred them. Acolytes. Accomplices Traitors. Long lost and shame, and conscience, and intelligence. “Always ready” to humiliate, bend, flirt, lure, sacrifice lives (strangers) ...

We have long been under pressure. It is open, arrogantly, with laughter, with absolute certainty that we will continue to stand up like syvki, blur the blood and snot in physiognomies and squeal with broken lips about “tolerance”, about “humanistic ideals”, about “difference of cultures (!)” , about the "need to understand and help" ...

There is no need for illusions, ladies and gentlemen: they are rightfully screwing us over. If we don’t shut up, if we don’t stop being a fool, if we don’t swing ourselves, if we don’t hit you “for all the world” - they’ll basically kill you to hell. They will add more pressure. Well, we idiots, let’s say, that’s what we need... But why do children? This is an attack on them. A collision with what we call civilization...

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attacks Victor Topaller loudspeakers
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