Vermont will pay up to $ 10 000 per year to those who move there to live - ForumDaily
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Vermont will pay up to $ 10 000 per year to those who move there to live.

Vermont State passed a new law that will force workers to move there and work remotely. Gov. Phil Scott signed the bill on Wednesday, May 30.

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Employees who meet certain requirements can receive from $ 5000 per year, but not more than $ 10 000 for two years thanks to a new program of grants for remote workers.

Money can be used for qualifying expenses, including costs of relocation, necessary computer equipment and software, access to the Internet.

According to Joana Goldstein, Commissioner for Economic Development of Vermont, the population of the state is decreasing and aging. "We recognize the need to attract people to the state, and this is one of these efforts."

Holstein added that her office is already receiving requests from interested employees.

To be eligible to participate, an employee must be a full-time employee, work primarily from home or in a cooperative space in Vermont and become a permanent resident of 1 in January of 2019 of the year or after this date.

Funds will be distributed according to the principle of “first come, first received,” and there are annual limits for grants.

For 2019, the amount of grants cannot exceed $ 125 000. The amount increases in 2020 to $ 250 000, and then decreases to $ 125 000 in 2021.

Recently, the US labor market has flourished, making it difficult to save jobs. Government data also shows that people are moving less.

Companies have become more generous and creative to compete for talent. Some of them increase salaries and change the methods of payroll, while others increase their benefits, for example, they offer help paying student loans and provide flexible schedules.

However, living in one state and working in another may have tax implications.

“You will have to pay income taxes in Vermont even if you earn money out of state,” Goldstein said. “The whole idea of ​​bringing in more people is that we need to expand the tax base ... but if you move from New York, the taxes are lower.”

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