How many collectors will give for an old iPod - ForumDaily
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How many collectors will give for an old iPod

Фото: Depositphotos

Although the first Apple players appeared in 2001, it seems that some collectors are already nostalgic for them.

Sellers on eBay are willing to buy "clunky tech gadgets" at eye-popping prices for such technology, namely $20 for a factory sealed first or second generation player. This is not surprising, because in 000 a special edition iPod Classic sold for $2014.

Even third-generation iPods can give away $ 1000 if it has never been opened.

Как писал Previously, ForumDaily, 7 September, Apple introduced the 7 iPhone and 7 Plus iPhone in San Francisco, which the company claims is the most advanced among all the models of popular iPhones. Among other things, 7-series models must be resistant to water and dust, and also have the most durable batteries.

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