Your state could owe you a large amount of money: how to get it - ForumDaily
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Your state may owe you a large amount of money: how to get it

Do you need extra money? There is a way to get them. This is not a gimmick, and there are no tricky conditions here. The state you live in could owe you money—and you don't even know it. For example, Florida alone has $2,3 billion waiting for the rightful owners to claim these funds, writes News4Jax.

Photo: Shutterstock

Since COVID-19 affects everyone in one way or another, checking your name or a relative's name could mean extra money in time for the holidays.

Money comes from a long list of sources such as forgotten bank accounts, credit card balances, discounts, salaries, utility deposits and more. It's not just getting cash: Florida, for example, has a giant vault full of unclaimed valuables such as diamonds, a signed photograph of Muhammad Ali, and even a gold bar that is kept until the rightful owners emerge.

On the subject: Your health insurance company could owe you hundreds of dollars: what you need to know

Ready to find out if any of this belongs to you or someone you love? We'll tell you how to check it - completely free.



New Jersey


New York

If you do not live in any of these states, then at this link there is a unified database of over 20 states.

You may be interested in: top New York news, stories of our immigrants and helpful tips about life in the Big Apple - read it all on ForumDaily New York.

If your region is not there, then try entering the phrase “unclaimed property [name of state]” into Google and the search engine will give you a link to a site where you can request money.

Important: make sure that the site you are going to has the .gov extension. Scammers do not sleep!

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