In South Carolina, a group of police were shot, there are dead - ForumDaily
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In South Carolina, a group of police were shot, there are dead

Florence is a city in the northeastern corner of South Carolina with a population of approximately 37 people.

Photo: video frame

On Wednesday, October 3, seven South Carolina police were injured, one of them fatally. The man holding the children hostage opened fire on the officers.

As a result, the suspect was arrested. Children who were held hostage in a prestigious area not far from Florence for more than two hours did not suffer.

The suspect, Fred Hopkins, shot three policemen who came to him with a warrant near 16: 00. Then he opened fire in the direction of four more policemen of the city of Florence, who arrived to help their colleagues.

To rescue the wounded officers had to use a bulletproof vehicle, as the man held the children hostage for two hours, said the major of the Florence County sheriff, Mike Nunn.

As it was

Officials said five members of the Florence County Sheriff's Department arrived with a search warrant in connection with the alleged sexual assault on the foster child. Hopkins was the father of the alleged sex offender, 27-year-old Seth Hopkins.

Police said Seth Hopkins was shot during the operation. It is unknown who shot him - the police or his father.

According to officials, all three policemen were injured. Two of them are in critical condition due to injuries in the torso area. The third, wounded in the leg, is in a stable condition.

The four officers of the city of Florence, who were wounded, were male. One has already been discharged; the other was injured in the side and is in a stable condition. A third officer was hit in the head and remains in the hospital.

The representative of the city of Florence, John Vukela, reported that the fourth officer who was fatally wounded was Terrence Carraway from Darlington. 52-year-old Karrawei just celebrated his 30 anniversary of being a policeman in the city. His death was ascertained at a local hospital.


Authorities said the shooting took place at Vintage Place, a prestigious area west of the city. Neighbors said that the community is full of brick houses and well-kept courtyards. In property records, some homes cost more than $ 400 000.

This is the second shooting of multiple police officers in South Carolina this year - in January, a 47-year-old former banker shot at four officers in York County, killing one. Police arrived at the home after his wife called 911 that he had beaten her. Christian McCall pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.

Florence is a city in the northeastern corner of South Carolina with a population of approximately 37 people. It's the largest city in the region known as Pee Dee, where flooding from Hurricane Florence devastated entire neighborhoods to the east and south.

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