In South Carolina, a shower of "millennia". A PHOTO. VIDEO - ForumDaily
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South Carolina experienced the rainfall of the millennium. PHOTO. VIDEO

At least eight people died as a result of flooding in the US state of South Carolina, caused by torrential rains in the region. how сообщает CNN, the state's governor called this cataclysm "the event of the millennium."

Heavy rains caused by Hurricane Joaquin raging in the Atlantic Ocean, according to meteorologists, have already dropped about 450 mm of precipitation on one region of the state over the past XNUMX hours.


The level of the Congari River is currently the highest since 1936.


Until this year, just no one carried out such measurements.

“We're looking at a once-in-a-thousand-year rainfall,” South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said at a news conference. “This is something extraordinary.” And these words were not an exaggeration. More than thirty thousand people were left without electricity. The water supply has been disrupted in the homes of 375 thousand residents of the state. Some cities are completely under water. Rail service to the state of Florida has been interrupted. Tirelessly working rescuers evacuated more than two hundred people from cars stuck on flooded roads.

“Do not attempt to drive on flooded roads,” emergency officials warn South Carolinians. — The amount of water on the roads is enough to easily wash away your small car. Come back so you don't drown."

US President Barack Obama has declared a state of emergency in South Carolina. This allows the state to receive additional assistance in the fight against the elements, as well as to involve US National Guard soldiers in rescue work.

In the U.S. Hurricane storm Southern California shower Joaquin
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