Kolomoisky was arrested in Ukraine: this caused problems for a democrat from the United States - ForumDaily
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Kolomoisky was arrested in Ukraine: this caused problems for a democrat from the United States

Democratic Senate candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell's alleged ties to Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky are resurfacing following the oligarch's arrest. They are causing concern and scrutiny in Republican Party circles. Writes about it Fox News.

Photo: IStock

Mucarsel-Powell, a former U.S. representative, announced her candidacy for the Senate seat against incumbent Sen. Rick Scott in August. During her last unsuccessful congressional campaign, she was criticized because her husband worked for a company that did business with businesses allegedly linked to Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine's richest oligarchs. Now he is accused of fraud, bribery and hiring hitmen.

“It's certainly concerning,” said Priscilla Iwasko, a spokeswoman for Scott's campaign. — And that's one of the many reasons why South Florida voters voted her out of office. Floridians rejected her once and they will do it again.”

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Mucarsel-Powell has repeatedly rejected criticism of her husband's ties to Kolomoisky.

“Republicans are using old, debunked lies that have nothing to do with Debbie Mucarsel-Powell or her family,” Mucarsel-Powell campaign spokeswoman Michelle Gajewski said. “These lies will not detract from Rick Scott's record of profiting from investments linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Venezuela, overseeing the largest Medicare fraud in history, and invoking the 75th Amendment 5 times to avoid self-incrimination.” . With the latest polls showing Rick Scott trailing, he will tell any lie he can to keep himself in that spot.”

National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman Phillip Letsu noted that "Floridians deserve better than corrupt politicians like socialist Debbie Mucarsel-Powell."

In 2018, an investigation by The Daily Beast revealed that Mucarsel-Powell's husband, lawyer Robert Powell, was hired by several companies allegedly linked to Kolomoisky. Among them, only one firm publicly reported payments to Powell of at least $700 over two years.

When Mucarsel-Powell was running for the House of Representatives, a campaign confidant responded to the allegations in The Daily Beast: “The absurdity of attacking Debbie over indirect payments from her husband’s former employer, for whom he no longer even works, is exactly why that people are tired of politics."

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On September 2, media reported that Kolomoisky was arrested as part of an investigation into a fraud case after a Kiev court ordered two months of pre-trial detention with bail.

Kolomoisky said that he had “superficially” read the accusations and “absolutely” disagrees with them.

Earlier, the US State Department imposed sanctions against Kolomoisky for alleged “corrupt practices that undermined the rule of law and the Ukrainian public’s faith in democratic institutions and public processes, including the use of his political influence and official authority for personal gain.”

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