Police accidentally caught an illegal immigrant who raped a daughter and 23 of the year was on the run - ForumDaily
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Police accidentally caught an illegal who raped his daughter and 23 of the year was on the run

An illegal immigrant arrested in Texas. He went on the run 23 a year ago to avoid being arrested for raping his daughter, who at that time was only 12 years old.

Photo: Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constable's Office

64-year-old Geraklio Gaymes-Nava was arrested in Porter after the authorities had a copy of a warrant from Nevada 1995 of the year, in which he was accused of continuous sexual harassment of a minor child under the age of 14. He disappeared when the police arrived behind him with an arrest warrant.

"Then he and his wife fled from Nevada and have since been on the run," according to the Montgomery County office.

The police indicated that Gamez Nawa is a Mexican citizen and is illegal in the United States.

He was arrested after police stopped a vehicle that violated traffic regulations. Violators have been identified as Games-Nauvoo and his wife Alicia Vazquez-Carrizales, reports KPRC-TV.

Photo: Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constable's Office

The constable’s office said that the 55-year-old Vazquez-Carrizales, who was driving the car, was deported to Mexico twice: in 2003 and 2014, and most likely she was deported again. She was charged with misdemeanor: she prevented the detention of the offender. After the arrest, they were left in custody.

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