A website was launched in the USA to find sponsors for refugees from Ukraine: otherwise they will not be allowed into America - ForumDaily
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A website was launched in the United States to find sponsors for refugees from Ukraine: otherwise they will not be allowed into America

non-profit group Welcome.US, which coordinated assistance to Afghan refugees in the United States, is launching a new project to recruit 100 United States residents to support Ukrainian migrants. The publication told more about the project Axios.

Photo: Shutterstock

The administration of US President Joe Biden announced the Unity for Ukraine program, which will allow citizens of Ukraine to apply for a humanitarian parole, but only with an American sponsor.

To be eligible for a humanitarian password, Ukrainians must be resident in Ukraine as of February 11, 2022, have a sponsor in the United States, receive vaccinations and other public health requirements, and pass all necessary background checks. Effective April 25, Ukrainians who are at land ports of entry to the United States without a valid visa or without prior permission to enter the United States through the Unity for Ukraine program will be denied entry.

Due to the requirement that Ukrainians must have a sponsor in the United States, the organization Welcome.US decided to start recruiting Americans who want to help refugees from Ukraine.

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Recruiting will be primarily funded by $3,6 million from Goldman Sachs Gives. More than 60 partners, including organizations and Ukrainian-American groups, are joining forces to help the greatest number of Ukrainians.

Americans interested in sponsoring a Ukrainian family can register at ukraine.welcome.us starting April 25.

Sponsors can offer to temporarily welcome newcomers into their homes through Airbnb.org, or donate money to Airbnb.org to help cover the cost of temporary accommodation.

People can also donate air miles through Miles4Migrants or purchase essential supplies for refugees.

“We are committed to helping mobilize and support the many Americans who want to do more for Ukrainians and other asylum seekers,” said Welcome.US CEO Nazanin Ash.

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According to Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon, a member of the Welcome.US Board of CEOs, his team “feels the need to act” to help Ukrainians forced to flee their homes. He assured: "We will continue to support the Ukrainian people in their hour of need."

Approximately 5 million people have fled Ukraine in the nearly two months since Russia launched its large-scale invasion, according to a tracker from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

The United Nations Refugee Agency has called this influx of displaced people the fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War II.

According to the tracker, as of April 19, about 2,8 million Ukrainians fleeing the war had arrived in Poland alone — far more than in any other country.

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