In the USA - an outbreak of an intestinal infection that antibiotics do not work on - ForumDaily
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In the United States, there is an outbreak of intestinal infection that is not affected by antibiotics

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned healthcare workers of an outbreak of "extensively drug-resistant" shigellosis, a bacterial infection that attacks the gut and causes inflammatory diarrhea, reports FoxNews.

Photo: IStock

About 450 cases of shigellosis infection are registered annually. The CDC reports that 000% of all infections in 5 were extensively drug-resistant, up from zero in 2022.

An infection is considered broadly drug-resistant if it does not respond to the antibiotics commonly used to treat it, such as azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, and others.

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"XDR Shigella bacteria have limited antimicrobial treatment options, are easily transmitted, and can pass on antimicrobial resistance genes to other gut bacteria," the CDC wrote in a review for next week's upcoming meeting about the increase in infections.

Shigellosis is easily spread from person to person, including through sexual contact and through contaminated food and water.

In addition to diarrhea, infected people also commonly experience fever and abdominal pain. Symptoms last about one week and begin one to two days after infection.

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Young children, international travelers, and people living with HIV are most susceptible to shigellosis.

On February 24, health officials noted in an alert that "there are no CDC guidelines for the treatment of shigellosis XDR in the United States."

“Health care providers treating extensively drug-resistant shigellosis should consult with a professional who understands the treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to determine the best treatment options,” the CDC bulletin says.

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