A case of monkeypox infection confirmed in the USA: this is the second time in 5 months - ForumDaily
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Monkeypox case confirmed in USA: second time in 5 months

The Maryland Department of Health has confirmed a case of monkeypox in a state resident. Writes about it Independent.

Photo: Shutterstock

The case was confirmed in a Maryland resident who recently returned from Nigeria. The Maryland Department of Health has confirmed that the resident is recovering in isolation with mild symptoms and has not been hospitalized. Individuals identified as potentially at risk of infection will be monitored for symptoms of monkeypox within 21 days of exposure.

The state health department has confirmed in collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that no special precautions have been recommended for the public at this time.

Monkeypox is a virus in the same family as the deadlier smallpox, but this form usually causes a milder infection. It can be transmitted between people through direct contact with skin, body fluids or contaminated materials such as clothing. It can also spread through large respiratory droplets that usually cannot travel more than a few feet.

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“Public health authorities have identified and are continuing to track those who may have been in contact with the diagnosed individual,” said Maryland Department of Health Deputy Commissioner Dr. Jinlen Chan.

Monkeypox usually starts with flu-like symptoms and swollen lymph nodes, then progresses to a widespread rash on the face and body, with most infections lasting two to four weeks.

In July, the CDC already tracked 200 people in 27 U.S. states for monkeypox infection... This was due to concerns that they might be in contact with a man from Texas who came from Nigeria and fell ill... The man was taken to hospital in mild form. This was the first case in the United States since 2003.

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Monkeypox infection of humans occurs mainly in Central and West Africa. While all strains cause infection, those circulating in Africa tend to cause less severe disease.

Travelers returning from Central or West Africa are advised to notify their healthcare provider if they develop symptoms of monkeypox.

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