Explosive power banks are recalled in the USA: they crippled people and damaged property - ForumDaily
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Explosive power banks are recalled in the United States: they crippled people and damaged property

67000 power banks have been recalled following burns to hands, feet, furniture and floor, reports MiamiHerald.

Photo: Shutterstock

Charging your phone or laptop should not involve handling burnt leather or furniture.
This is why myCharge recalled 67 power banks last week.

The exact issue, as stated in the US Consumer Product Safety Commission's Notice of Recall: "The lithium-ion battery of powerbanks can overheat and ignite, resulting in a fire hazard and burns."

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According to the warning, it not only "may overheat", but also overheated 30 times.

This resulted in "seven injuries, including burns to the upper body, arms, legs and / or feet of users and / or damage to floors, walls and furniture in homes."

This applies to seven types of myCharge power supplies:
  • Adventure Mega, model no. AVC20KG-A, codes 2818, 3718, 4018, 4518.
  • Adventure Mega C, model no. AVCQC20KG-A, code 2818.
  • Razor Mega Model No. RZ20KK-A Codes 3818, 4118, 4418, 4918, 1719.
  • Razor Mega C Model # RZQC20KK-A Code 3818.
  • Razor Super Model No. RZ24NK-A Code 0319.
  • Razor Super C, Model No. RZQC24NK-A, codes 3319, 3519.
  • Razor Xtreme Model # RZPD26BK-A Codes 2818, 3718, 3918.

If you have any of these models, stop using them and refer to myCharge.

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The company offers an e-voucher for the full purchase price and a 25% bonus for redemption on the company's website. Contact myCharge at 888-251-2026, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 16 p.m. ET; email to [email protected]; or on the company website.

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