Republicans are proposing to cancel the Green card lottery - ForumDaily
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Republicans are proposing to cancel the Green card lottery



We did not have time to calm down the senses on the acclaimed immigration decrees of Donald Trump, as the Senate began to discuss another news. Republicans Tom Cotton and David Purdue suggest reducing the number of foreigners who legally immigrate to the United States, writes

The authors of the new bill said that today about a million foreigners receive the so-called permission to reside in the US in several ways: a green card lottery, asylum, family reunification, marriage. Senators propose to cut the number of such permits to 500 thousands. And even cancel the lottery. At the same time, the draft says that the reform will not affect those who receive work visas.

Particular attention is paid to the issue of immigration through family reunification. According to the project, only immediate relatives - spouses and minor children - will be able to be transferred to the United States.

Republicans proposed abandoning the green card lottery and called such a selection system “outdated,” the portal writes. Every year around 50 thousands of foreigners who have won the lottery come to the USA. Republicans want to change this immigration program.

Tom Cotton and David Purdue have already discussed the initiative with the US presidents. As the newspaper notes, Donald Trump must fulfill his election promises and solve the problems of both illegal and legal immigration.

Of course, such bills are very difficult to pass in Congress. Even though the majority in both houses belong to the Republicans. Journalists are confident that the Democrats will vote against this proposal.

Cotton's main argument is that green cards are issued to unskilled foreigners who come to the United States and work for little money. This, in turn, prevents wages from increasing in the labor market.

“We do this to ensure that only qualified people come to us who can help our economy. The measures are intended to stop wages falling for less educated workers. If we don't solve this problem, we will end up with a permanent underclass for whom the American dream will never come true," Cotton said.

In any case, as stated by Senator Tom Cotton, it will not begin to consider the bill soon. Hearings may begin this year, he noted.

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