Russia restricted access to CIA and FBI websites for 'spreading fakes' - ForumDaily
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Russia restricts access to CIA and FBI websites for 'spreading fakes'

Roskomnadzor (the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications in Russia) has restricted access to the websites of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the State Department Justice Awards Program. Writes about it Voice of America.

Photo: IStock

Access is restricted to sites, и

The Russian witchcraft said that the blocking was due to the fact that these sites were spreading fakes.

Roskomnadzor explained that the resources belong to “state structures of hostile countries” and distribute materials aimed at destabilizing the situation in Russia and discrediting the army.

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In the US, the message about blocking sites has not yet been commented on.

In May 2022, the CIA distributed special memos in Russian on its official website and social networks, which talk about how to safely contact the special service.

An intelligence official told reporters that the instructions were directed at "those who feel compelled to contact the CIA because of the unjust war the Russian government has started."

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The FBI regularly launches advertising campaigns on social networks in different languages, including Russian. For example, in January 2023, the intelligence service spread a message on Facebook that mobilization could radically change lives and asked to contact FBI agents.

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