Mysterious three-meter metal monolith discovered in the Utah desert
What started out as a routine wildlife rescue turned into an alien mystery for the Utah Department of Public Safety after officers stumbled upon a mysterious monolith in the middle of rural Utah, writes CNN.

Photo: Shutterstock
Officers from the Utah Department of Public Safety Air Bureau were flying a helicopter last Wednesday, Nov. 18, helping the Wildlife Resource Department count cattle in southeastern Utah when they spotted something that looked like a scene from 2001: A space odyssey ”.
“One of the biologists spotted it and we just happened to fly right over it,” said pilot Bret Hutchings. “He screamed: “Hey, stop, turn around!” There’s a strange thing there – we have to look at it!”
And so, in the middle of the red rock, a shiny, silvery metal monolith was discovered sticking out of the ground.
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Hutchings suggested that he was "10 to 12 feet high" (3-3,6 meters). He said that this object did not look like it was accidentally dropped to the ground, rather it looks like it was specially installed.
"We kind of joked that if one of us suddenly disappeared, the rest would run away," Hutchings said.
However, in his opinion, the object was most likely placed there by the artist, and not by the alien.
"I'm guessing it's some new wave artist or something, or someone who was a big fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey," he said, referring to a scene in the 1968 film where a black man appears monolith.
However, it is illegal to install structures or art without a permit on public lands, “no matter what planet you are from,” Utah DPS said in a statement Monday, Nov. 23.
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The location of the monolith has not been disclosed, and it is not yet clear how it ended up there, according to DPS. In the near future, the Bureau of Land Use will decide if further investigation is needed.
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