Oregon authorities ordered residents to wear masks, stressing that this is a “white-only” rule
Officials in Lincoln County, Oregon, have exempted all non-white people from a new rule requiring face coverings to be worn in public in an effort to prevent racial profiling. New York Post.
Health officials announced that residents should wear face masks in public places where they can be within 6 feet (about 2 meters) of another person who does not belong to the same family.
But people of other races and skin colors do not need to follow the new rule if they have “heightened concern about racial profiling and harassment” due to wearing masks, officials said.
“No one should intimidate or harass people who do not follow the rules,” health officials said.
As the requirements for wearing masks are becoming more common, activists are concerned that directives could endanger nonwhite people.
“For many Black people, deciding whether to wear a bandana in public to protect themselves and others from contracting the coronavirus is a lose-lose situation that could result in life-threatening consequences either way,” said ReNika Moore, director of the racial diversity program. Justice ACLU.
On the subject: 3 facts that explain why protesters in the USA are dissatisfied: rallies against racism began in Europe
Trevon Logan, a black man, says orders to wear face masks "basically tell people that they should look dangerous given the racial stereotypes there."
“In the broader context, these are black males who fit the description of the suspect wearing a hood and covering his face,” said Logan, an economics professor at Ohio State University. “It looks exactly like any criminal sketch of any black suspect.”
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