In one of the US states, the death penalty was returned by firing squad - ForumDaily
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In one of the US states, the death penalty was returned by firing squad

The decision was prompted by a shortage of lethal injection drugs. "Voice of America".

Photo: Shutterstock

South Carolina has passed a law requiring death row prisoners to choose between firing squad - a newly introduced method of execution - and the electric chair.

Republican Gov. Henry McMaster has signed legislation under which death row inmates will make that choice if the state does not have the drugs needed for lethal injection.

“This weekend I signed a law that will allow the state to carry out death sentences. The families and loved ones of the victims legally deserve closure and justice. Now we can provide it, ”McMaster wrote on Twitter.

Previously, inmates could refuse to take their lives while sitting in the state's 109-year-old electric chair, in which case they were ordered to be executed by lethal injection.

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However, stocks of injectable drugs in the state ran out and pharmaceutical companies refused to provide them for ethical reasons. Because of this, inmates who chose an injection instead of an electric chair could not be executed: since 2011, no death sentences have been carried out in the state.

With the introduction of the execution option, the execution of sentences will resume.

Lawyers for prisoners sentenced to death have already expressed their intention to sue the state, which returned, in their opinion, the inhuman method of execution.

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South Carolina is the fourth state to allow execution by firing squad, along with Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Utah, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.

The acute shortage of lethal drugs used for lethal injection has continued for several years, as several large laboratories refuse to supply them to American prisons, so as not to be associated with the death penalty.

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